Ole Jacob Sending
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Ole Jacob Sending er forsker 1 i Forskningsgruppen for global orden og diplomati.
Han forsker på global styring, med særlig fokus på internajonale og ikke-statlige organisasjoners rolle i fredsbygging, humanitær bistand og utvikling. Sending har publisert i blant annet International Studies Quarterly, European Journal of International Relations og International Theory.
2004 Dr. polit, Universtitet i Bergen: How does knowledge matter?
1998 Mastergrad i statsvitenskap, State University of New York, Albany
1997 Cand.mag., UiB (økonomi, statsvitenskap og sosiologi)
2023- Forsker 1, NUPI
2012-2023 Forskningssjef, NUPI
2008-2009 Gjesteforsker (Fulbright-stipendiat), Institutt for Sosiologi, UC Berkeley
2008-2014 Tilknyttet seniorforsker, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen
2008- Seniorforsker, NUPI
2006-2008 Seniorrådgiver, Utenriksdepartementet
2003 Seniorforsker, NUPI
2002 Gjesteforsker, Stanford University (SCANCOR)
1999-2003 Forsker, NUPI, doktorgradsstipendiat, UiB
Tøm alle filtreDen valdelege byen: Humanitære aktørars rolle
Korleis kan ein verne seg mot væpna vald i urbane område? Dette er spørsmål som vil bli diskutert på seminaret, arrangert av NUPI og Norwegian Center for Humanitarian Studies (NCHS).
Hvordan skal Brende lykkes i sårbare stater?
NUPI-forskere lanserer fem utfordringer som må løses i Dagsavisen-kronikk.
Teoriseminar: Hiearchies in World Politics
NUPI har gleda av å invitere til teoriseminar med Ayse Zarakol, University of Cambridge.
Protection of Civilians. From Principle to Practice (PoC)
Dette prosjektet tar sikte på å fastslå rollen til og effekten av dagens politikkutforming for og utøvelse av PoC (Protection of Civilians)....
Teoriseminar: Triangulering av verdiar: Korleis frivillige organisasjonar fordeler midlar til humanitær hjelp og arbeid for menneskerettar
NUPI har gleda av å invitere til teoriseminar med Monika Krause frå University of London.
Humanitære endringar, humanitære utfordringar og vern av sivile
Seminaret tar opp ein mogleg konflikt mellom humanitære prinsipp og lokale realitetar.
Teoriseminar: Den moderna framveksten til verdspolitikken
NUPI har gleda av å invitere til teoriseminar med Mathias Albert frå Bielefeld University. Presentationen er delvis basert på hans siste bok "A Theory of World Politics", Cambridge University Press, som vil liggje føre i løpet i våren.
Constructivist theories have produced a wealth of insights about the dynamics by which social facts shape actors’ identities and how distinct logics of action are at work in upholding and producing particular orders. Reviewing this literature, I argue that the normsoriented scholarship has failed also on its own terms in that it has tailored different logics of action to the task of explaining particular political orders rather than agency proper. These norm-centred accounts present themselves as agent-oriented, but subsume the exploration of agency within an account of the micro-level foundation for a norm-anchored order. In lieu of such a perspective, I unearth one key insight from Richard Ashley and treat agency as an achievement. It is an effort to balance external forces in such a way as to achieve a semblance of agency or control. This view of agency is, I think, implicit in Kratochwil and Onuf’s work on rules. I explicate this view and demonstrate how it offers better tools with which to explore the historically changing conditions within which actors seek to present themselves as proper agents and to shape any given order, which cannot be reduced to, or subsumed within, any particular logic of action.
Sluttseminaret for STEAL-prosjektet: Skattesvik og kvitvasking
Dette seminaret markerer avslutninga av prosjektet "Systems of Tax Evasion and Laundering: Locating Global Wealth Chains in the International Political Economy (STEAL)”. Hovudfunnet for prosjektet vil bli presentert og diskutert.
“Roving Elites and Sedentary Subjects: The Hybridized Origins of the State”
In the introduction to this volume, Hurt and Lipschutz ask about historical precedents for the present-day hybridization of state power and capitalist accumulation strategies and practices. As is well known, the emergence of capitalism was marked by a number of earlier and relevant shifts of governmental rationality, leading back to the break with mercantilism, which was decisive in singling out economics as a separate sphere in western societies. This process was a key drama in western state building during the mercantilist seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and it was indigenous to those states. Similar processes emerged in other states only as a result of contact (trade, conquest, colonization etc.) with western states. Characteristically, at present non-western states have a less clear division of political and economic spheres than do western states, and in some states, it makes little sense to talk about separate spheres at all. One of the defining features of what are often called “fragile states” is precisely that the public and the private is not separate, thus contradicting the ideal-typical model of a Weberian state on which the category rests (Eriksen 2011).