Ole Jacob Sending
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Ole Jacob Sending er forsker 1 i Forskningsgruppen for global orden og diplomati.
Han forsker på global styring, med særlig fokus på internajonale og ikke-statlige organisasjoners rolle i fredsbygging, humanitær bistand og utvikling. Sending har publisert i blant annet International Studies Quarterly, European Journal of International Relations og International Theory.
2004 Dr. polit, Universtitet i Bergen: How does knowledge matter?
1998 Mastergrad i statsvitenskap, State University of New York, Albany
1997 Cand.mag., UiB (økonomi, statsvitenskap og sosiologi)
2023- Forsker 1, NUPI
2012-2023 Forskningssjef, NUPI
2008-2009 Gjesteforsker (Fulbright-stipendiat), Institutt for Sosiologi, UC Berkeley
2008-2014 Tilknyttet seniorforsker, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen
2008- Seniorforsker, NUPI
2006-2008 Seniorrådgiver, Utenriksdepartementet
2003 Seniorforsker, NUPI
2002 Gjesteforsker, Stanford University (SCANCOR)
1999-2003 Forsker, NUPI, doktorgradsstipendiat, UiB
Tøm alle filtreThe limits of global authority: World Bank benchmarks in Ethiopia and Malawi
Global benchmarks (re)shape political conversations and institutionalise authoritative languages. It does not necessarily follow, however, that benchmarks can exert a lasting or significant influence over policies and behaviour of benchmarked actors. We analyse how the World Bank uses benchmarks to manage its relations with both donors and recipient governments. We analyse the role of the World Bank’s Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA), both at headquarters and in relation to the recent history of two countries in Africa: Ethiopia and Malawi. We find that the CPIA is not – and contrary to what one would expect from the CPIA’s nominal function and the literature on benchmarks – a very important tool for signalling incentives and allocating funds, or shaping the policy dialogue or the World Bank’s strategy in these two countries. Rather, the CPIA is used highly selectively as one factor among many in the negotiations between World Bank staff and governments. We conclude that the CPIA helps establish the World Bank as an actor that embodies global authority on development issues, including with donors, but that there is a tension between such global authority on the one hand, and concrete authority to shape policy in domestic contexts, on the other.
Økonomiske utsikter for Afrika
African Economic Outlook 2015: Kva for nokre økonomiske utsikter har Afrika?
Diplomacy and the Making of World Politics, Introduction
In this Introduction, we accomplish two main goals. First, we provide theoretical tools to better grasp the role and character of diplomacy and how it may be changing in the contemporary era. We develop a relational framework focused on two dimensions: the evolving configurations of state and non-state actors and the competing authority claims that underpin diplomatic practices on the world stage. Second, we begin to theorize the ways in which diplomacy makes and remakes world politics. The remainder of the book offers rich case studies to empirically substantiate our broad argument about the constitution of world politics in practice. In this Introduction, our more limited objective is to explain the significance of our argument for key debates in international relations (IR).
The Politics of Expertise. Competing for Authority in Global Governance
Experts dominate all facets of global governance, from accounting practices and antitrust regulations to human rights law and environmental conservation. In this study, Ole Jacob Sending encourages a critical interrogation of the role and power of experts by unveiling the politics of the ongoing competition for authority in global governance.
Uttfordringer for vern av sivile
Seminaret drøftar tendensar i vernet av sivile, med utgangspunkt i Uganda.
National and European Governance: Polish and Norwegian Cooperation Towards More Efficient Security, Energy and Migration Policies (GOODGOV)
Prosjektet skal analysere forholdet mellom Norge og Polen innen områdene nasjonal sikkerhet, energi og migrasjon og se på forholdet i en bredere europeisk kontekst....