The localisation of aid - debate and challenges
The localisation agenda resurfaced with the Covid 19-pandemic among development and humanitarian actors. Aid localisation refers to providing aid through local, grassroots institutions without the use of intermediaries, which involves a shift in power over policy and financial issue to local actors.
Fremmedkrigere i Ukraina: Bekymrede verdensborgere eller en sikkerhetstrussel?
Hva er motivasjonen til fremmedkrigerne i Ukraina og hvilke utfordringer møter de i krigen?
Climate Security Language in UN Peace Operation’s Mandates
Article 24 of the United Nations Charter confers the responsibility of maintaining international peace and security to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). This task requires a comprehensive engagement with the complex systems driving conflict in the world to understand and respond to threats to international peace and security. The UNSC has over the last 30 years gradually adopted a non-traditional security approach by incorporating economic, social, humanitarian and ecological instability as threats to international peace and security.
Farvel, Sikkerhetsrådet: Norge trer av
The Humanitarian-Development Nexus: A Bridge Too Far?
In their basic and caricature forms, development aid and humanitarian assistance highlight important differences that materialize in attitudinal, institutional, and funding obstacles in the implementation of the humanitarian-development nexus. While the nexus is implemented in order to respond to new types of crises characterised by the protracted nature of the conflicts, cooperation across the aisle has proved hard to achieve in practice. However, policymakers and practitioners have different perspectives on the nexus, and depending on the individual practitioners tasked with implementing the nexus, it can still work. To achieve this, boundary work is needed in order to overcome the distinct segments of the nexus’ constituent parts working in silos. To foster such boundary work, actors responsible for implementing the nexus in practice should be given greater autonomy so that the nexus is better sensitised to local actors, contexts and concerns, rather than being driven by headquarters’ policy demands.
Frokostseminar: Krigen og forskningen
18. januar inviterer vi til lanseringsseminar av den nye fokusspalten i tidsskriftet Internasjonal Politikk.
Frokostseminar: Tripoli fra islamistisk utopi til den libanesiske revolusjon
Vi inviterer til lansering for Tine Gades nye bok Sunni City: Tripoli from Islamist Utopia to the Lebanese «Revolution».