Klima, fred og sikkerhet i Somalia
KRONIKK: Geopolitisk rivalisering endrer verdikjeder
A nuclear future and the evolution of the military dynamic on the Korean peninsula
North Korea’s nuclear program continues unabated and there is little prospect of a resolution to this seemingly intractable issue. The Kim regime, contrary to international law, is developing and testing a series of new missile and nuclear capabilities including more survivable missiles and tactical nuclear weapons that are increasingly difficult to defend against. At the same time, South Korea is investing in a series of conventional capabilities aimed at deterring and defending a North Korean nuclear attack. Consequently, there is increasing concern in the policy and academic discourse about strategic stability on the Korean Peninsula.
No clear exit for SAMIM in Mozambique
The SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) has been extended multiple times, and violence continues to affect the northern regions of the country in spite of the presence of thousands of troops, with no clear exit for SAMIM in sight. These were some of the findings of a recent seminar entitled Examining the Effectiveness of a New Generation of African Peace Operations, hosted by the Security Institute for Governance and Leadership in Africa (SIGLA), the Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) and the Training for Peace (TfP) Programme.
Ad-hoc Security Initiatives, an African response to insecurity
Cedric de Coning, Andrew Yaw Tchie og Anab Ovidie Grand skriver at ad-hoc sikkerhetsinitiativene (ASI-ene) i Sahel og rundt Tsjadsjøen representerer en ny form for kollektiv sikkerhet i Afrika. G5 Sahel Force og Multi-National Joint Task Force dukket opp fordi en håndfull afrikanske stater hadde behov for å sammen reagere på felles grenseoverskridende sikkerhetstrusler. Det eksisterende afrikanske sikkerhetssamarbeidet APSA var ikke tilpasset truslene. Til tross for at Den afrikanske union (AU) og partnere har investert betydelige beløp i African Standby Force, har ikke denne fredsbevarende beredskapsstyrken vært tilpasningsdyktig nok til å løse sikkerhetsutfordringene i Sahel-regionen. De Coning, Tchie og Grand sporer fremveksten av en ny type ASI, undersøker hvordan den tetter sikkerhetshullet og analyserer hvorfor African Standy Force ikke var i stand til å møte utfordringene i Sahel. De vurderer hva utviklingen har å si for APSAs fremtid, samt hvordan APSA kan samarbeide tettere med ASI-er i fremtiden.
Standby security arrangements and deployment setbacks: The case of the African Standby Force
The African Standby Force (ASF) is a key mechanism for advancing African agency in addressing the continent’s peace and security threats. The African Union (AU), regional economic communities (RECs) and regional mechanisms (RMs) have previously deployed stabilisation missions and ad hoc security initiatives (ASIs). Yet these deployments don’t strictly reflect the principles envisaged in the original ASF make-up and authorisation processes. In this report, the authors argue that the future of the ASF future should be seen as an opportunity for the AU and RECs/RMs to standardise the quest for African agency and adopt an agile approach that aims for better partnerships between the RECs, ASIs and member states.
Elsa Lilja Gunnarsdottir
Elsa Lilja Gunnarsdottir jobbet som vitenskapelig assistent hos NUPI fram til sommeren 2024 og støttet opp om prosjektet Norge og EU mot 2030 i Fo...
Covid-19-konspirasjonsteoriar i Putins Russland
Kreml har i ei årrekkje brukt konspirasjonsteoriar som eit styringsverktøy. Under Covid-19 pandemien blei likevel Putin-regimet sjølv offer for slike teoriar.