Cedric H. de Coning
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Cedric de Coning er forsker I i Forskningsgruppen for fred, konflikt og utvikling på NUPI.
Han leder NUPIs Senter for FN og global styring og Klima, fred og sikkerhets-prosjektet. Han leder også Effectiveness of Peace Operations-nettverket (EPON), og bidrar til Training for Peace-programmet, FNs Fredsoperasjoner prosjekt (UNPO), m.m. Cedric er også seniorrådgiver for fredsbevaring og fredsbygging for ACCORD. Cedric tvitrer på @CedricdeConing.
Cedric har 20 års erfaring innen forskning, policyrådgivning, utvikling og utdanning innen konfliktløsning, fredsbevaring, fredsbygging og freds- og konfliktstudier. Cedric har doktorgrad i Applied Ethics fra University of Stellenbosch og mastergrad (cum laude) i konflikthåndtering og fredsstudier fra University of KwaZulu-Natal.
2012 PhD, Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy, University of Stellenbosch
2005 M.A., Conflict Management and Peace Studies, University of KwaZula-Natal
2020- Forsker I, NUPI 2012-2020 Seniorforsker, NUPI
2006-2012 Forsker, NUPI
2002- Seniorrådgiver (konsulent), ACCORD
2002 Opplæringsrådgiver, FNs avdeling for fredsbevarende operasjoner (DPKO)
2001-2002 Politisk rådgiver, FNs spesialutsendings kontor (Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, SRSG), FNs overgangsmyndighet i Øst-Timor (UNTAET)
1999-2001 Civil Affairs Officer for FNs overgangsmyndighet i Øst-Timor (UNTAET)
2000 Assisterende direktør, ACCORD
1997-1999 Leder for ACCORDs fredsbevaringprogram
1988-1997 Sør-Afrikas utenriksdepartement
Tøm alle filtreKorleis slapp Kina unna fattigdomsfella?
Korleis endrar organisasjonar seg effektivt for å takle skiftande miljø? Yuen Yuen Ang ser på ein ny måte å tenkje rundt auka tilpassingsevne på, med døme frå Kina.
The Challenge of Sustaining Peace: Enhancing and Moving Beyond the United Nations' Peacebuilding Architecture
Une volonté partagée de façonner un nouvel ordre mondial
(Kun tilgjengelig på fransk): In the West, the rise of nationalist populism reached a tipping point in 2016 when it generated both the UK vote for Brexit and the election of President Trump in the US. In contrast, over the same period, the BRICS have invested in strengthening inter-BRICS cooperation and the group’s commitment to the United Nations, global governance and economic globalisation. Their primary focus has been on financial, trade and economic cooperation. However, their ability to develop a shared analysis of the political and security dimensions of the global order seems to have come to a turning point in 2017, when they opted to focus their annual Summit on developing strategies to defend global governance, economic globalisation, free trade, and joint action on climate. How did we get to the point where it seems to be up to the BRICS to rescue globalisation ?
The Role of the Civilian Component in African Union Peace Operations
The role of civilians in African Union (AU) peace support operations (PSOs) is still not fully understood. As a result, civilian capacity development has not been well resourced in comparison with the military and police dimensions of the African Standby Force (ASF) and has only modestly developed since 2006. As at the end of 2016 the AU has deployed approximately 400 civilians across its PSOs in Burundi, the Central African Republic (CAR), Mali, Somalia and Sudan. The average size of the actual civilian component in each mission totalled approximately fifty people. The civilian components most commonly found in AU PSOs are Political Affairs, Human Rights and Protection, Public Information, Humanitarian Liaison, Safety and Security, Civil Affairs, Gender and Mission Support. Despite AU policies and PSO doctrine, the value of a multidimensional approach to PSOs, and the role that civilians perform in this larger context, is not widely recognised in the AU Commission, AU PSOs or among the AU’s key PSO partners. The AU has struggled to articulate clearly why it needs a multidimensional approach, what the function and contribution of the civilian components are, and how the civilians staff contribute to achieving the mandate of a particular mission. This will have to change if the AU is serious about undertaking comprehensive stabilisation operations.
Support to UN Peace Operations: Ensuring More Effective UN Peace Operations (UNPO)
Dette prosjektet søker å styrke effektiviseringen av FNs fredsoperasjoner....
Ny bok: Fremvoksende makter i sør kan endre fredsbygging fundamentalt
Hva er nytt og innovativ ved fredsinnsatsen til de fremvoksende maktene i det globale Sør?
Introduction: Why Examine Rising Powers and Peacebuilding?
Over the last decade several setbacks in places like Burundi, Libya, South Sudan and Yemen, to name a few, have significantly eroded the prominence that peacebuilding enjoyed in the international system. The failure of peacebuilding to deliver sustained peace has combined with a push from rising powers against Western dominance, to produce a turn to the Global South as a source for more legitimate and effective responses to mass organized violence in the world. Onto this stage new actors like the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and several other prominent regional powers in the Global South, like Indonesia and Turkey, have emerged as new ‘donors’ that advance their own political and technical approaches to peacebuilding. The entry of the rising powers into the peacebuilding field are likely to have significant implications for how the UN and other international and regional organisations, as well as both the traditional donors and the recipient countries view peacebuilding in the future. Their entry may fundamentally alter how we understand and undertake peacebuilding a decade or more from now. With this book, we seek to answer the following central question: What exactly is new and innovative about the peacebuilding approach of the rising powers from the Global South, and what are the implications of these new approaches for peacebuilding? In this introductory chapter, we explain why this question is important, and how we have gone about answering it in the book. The introduction thus give the reader an overview of the context, key research questions and the structure of the book.