Cedric H. de Coning
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Cedric de Coning er forsker I i Forskningsgruppen for fred, konflikt og utvikling på NUPI.
Han leder NUPIs Senter for FN og global styring og Klima, fred og sikkerhets-prosjektet. Han leder også Effectiveness of Peace Operations-nettverket (EPON), og bidrar til Training for Peace-programmet, FNs Fredsoperasjoner prosjekt (UNPO), m.m. Cedric er også seniorrådgiver for fredsbevaring og fredsbygging for ACCORD. Cedric tvitrer på @CedricdeConing.
Cedric har 20 års erfaring innen forskning, policyrådgivning, utvikling og utdanning innen konfliktløsning, fredsbevaring, fredsbygging og freds- og konfliktstudier. Cedric har doktorgrad i Applied Ethics fra University of Stellenbosch og mastergrad (cum laude) i konflikthåndtering og fredsstudier fra University of KwaZulu-Natal.
2012 PhD, Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy, University of Stellenbosch
2005 M.A., Conflict Management and Peace Studies, University of KwaZula-Natal
2020- Forsker I, NUPI 2012-2020 Seniorforsker, NUPI
2006-2012 Forsker, NUPI
2002- Seniorrådgiver (konsulent), ACCORD
2002 Opplæringsrådgiver, FNs avdeling for fredsbevarende operasjoner (DPKO)
2001-2002 Politisk rådgiver, FNs spesialutsendings kontor (Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, SRSG), FNs overgangsmyndighet i Øst-Timor (UNTAET)
1999-2001 Civil Affairs Officer for FNs overgangsmyndighet i Øst-Timor (UNTAET)
2000 Assisterende direktør, ACCORD
1997-1999 Leder for ACCORDs fredsbevaringprogram
1988-1997 Sør-Afrikas utenriksdepartement
Tøm alle filtreKronikk: Koronapandemien: FN må beskytte sitt personell
(Forsvarets Forum, 2. april, 2020) Fredsoperasjoner må raskt tilpasse seg koronapandemien, både for å beskytte eget personell og for å kunne fortsette kritiske operasjoner.
COVID-19 and the African Union. Challenges, prospects and side-effects
Den afrikanske union koordinerer innsatsen for å bremse spredningen av COVID-19 i Afrika, men de innførte tiltakene vil også forstyrre reformer, programmer og driften av AU.
Multilateral cooperation in the area of climate-related security and development risks in Africa
Over the past decade the impact of climate change on people’s everyday lives have become tangible. Its effects have contributed to loss of human life, it has undermined livelihoods, destroyed infrastructure, harmed national economies and stressed state budgets. Across the globe, its impacts have contributed to widened gender inequalities in different contexts. Climate change is also transforming and redefining the global security and development landscape. The implications of climate change for security and development has become increasingly recognized within the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU) and Regional Economic Communities (REC). The framing of climate change in the security and development discourse is undergoing an important change. In some spaces it is moving away from seeing climate change as a security ‘threat,’ and instead frames it as climate-related security and development ‘risks’. This approach, which is also the approach we take in this paper, emphasizes that climate change must not be seen as predominantly external in its cause, but rather that it exposes and compounds risks that are inherent in social-ecological systems, – especially in fragile and conflict-affected environments.
China's Evolving Approach to UN Peacekeeping in Africa
China’s new, assertive role in UN peacekeeping, especially in Africa, represents a significant shift in Beijing’s peace and security posture that is not yet fully reflected in official discourse and rhetoric, but that reflects China’s new confidence with its global power status. Every significant adaptation in its peacekeeping policy has reflected an important shift in the country’s practical foreign and security policy. Tracing and tracking China’s peacekeeping policy and practice is thus a useful proxy for analysing the evolution of its peace and security considerations. In this report Senior Research Fellows Kari Osland and Cedric de Coning consider the medium- to long-term trajectory of China’s peace and security practices by analysing its recent activity in Africa, focusing on how China has used its contributions to the UN peacekeeping missions in Mali (MINUSMA) and South Sudan (UNMISS).
Statsminister Abiy fortjener Nobelprisen, men kan han bevare freden?
KRONIKK: Etiopias statsminister Abiy Ahmed Ali er en verdig mottaker av Nobels fredspris, men det er usikkert om prisen hjelper ham på veien til fred mellom Etiopia og Eritrea.
Kina og FNs bærekraftsmål (CHINSDG)
Hva er Kinas prioriteringer inn mot FNs 2030 bærekraftsagenda, og hvordan fremmer kinesiske aktører ulike interesser og muligheter for internasjonalt samarbeid?...
How UN Peacekeeping Operations Can Adapt to a New Multipolar World Order
How will United Nations peacekeeping operations adapt to the transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world order? The paper considers emerging dynamics in three areas that may suggest how UN peacekeeping are likely to be affected by a changing world order, namely strategic political coherence, the employment of force, and the outer limits of peace operations. It points out that one of the enduring characteristics of UN peacekeeping has been the resilience of its identity. Another has been the continuous evolution of the specific manifestations of that identity into practice. UN peacekeeping have thus shown a remarkable capacity to continuously adapt to new challenges over the past 70 plus years, and there is no evidence to suggest that it will not continue to do so into the future.
Norsk utviklingspolitikk i en tid med klimaendringer og geopolitisk spenning
Denne strategiske satsningen har som hovedmål å bidra til at Utenriksdepartementet, Norad og andre aktører innenfor utviklingspolitikk skal få systematisk og relevant kunnskap om hvordan internasjonal...
Kor godt har FNs fredsoperasjonar i Mali og Sør-Sudan fungert?
I samband med den internasjonale dagen for fredsbevaring har NUPI gleda av å invitere til eit seminar om effektiviteten av FNs fredsoperasjonar i Mali og Sør-Sudan.
Complexity thinking and adaptive peacebuilding
Cedric de Coning explores how complexity thinking can contribute to our understanding of how to create more inclusive peace processes, and how adaptive approaches enable local and external peacebuilders to apply new models of practice, experimentation and learning. These differ fundamentally from approaches where the role of peacebuilders is to implement a pre-designed intervention. De Coning suggests that pressure for change tends to accumulate over time often without signs of progress, and that key system changes occur during periods of turbulence when the self-sustaining ‘path dependencies of violence’ are disrupted. Adaptation does not imply embracing disorder or abandoning goals, but rather being more front-footed, coping with uncertainty, anticipating change and embracing experimentation.