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Cedric H. de Coning

Forsker 1

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Cedric de Coning er forsker I i Forskningsgruppen for fred, konflikt og utvikling på NUPI.

Han leder NUPIs Senter for FN og global styring og Klima, fred og sikkerhets-prosjektet. Han leder også Effectiveness of Peace Operations-nettverket (EPON), og bidrar til Training for Peace-programmet, FNs Fredsoperasjoner prosjekt (UNPO), m.m. Cedric er også seniorrådgiver for fredsbevaring og fredsbygging for ACCORD. Cedric tvitrer på @CedricdeConing. 

Cedric har 20 års erfaring innen forskning, policyrådgivning, utvikling og utdanning innen konfliktløsning, fredsbevaring, fredsbygging og freds- og konfliktstudier. Cedric har doktorgrad i Applied Ethics fra University of Stellenbosch og mastergrad (cum laude) i konflikthåndtering og fredsstudier fra University of KwaZulu-Natal.


  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN


2012 PhD, Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy, University of Stellenbosch

2005 M.A., Conflict Management and Peace Studies, University of KwaZula-Natal


2020- Forsker I, NUPI 2012-2020 Seniorforsker, NUPI

2006-2012 Forsker, NUPI

2002- Seniorrådgiver (konsulent), ACCORD

2002 Opplæringsrådgiver, FNs avdeling for fredsbevarende operasjoner (DPKO)

2001-2002 Politisk rådgiver, FNs spesialutsendings kontor (Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, SRSG), FNs overgangsmyndighet i Øst-Timor (UNTAET)

1999-2001 Civil Affairs Officer for FNs overgangsmyndighet i Øst-Timor (UNTAET)

2000 Assisterende direktør, ACCORD

1997-1999 Leder for ACCORDs fredsbevaringprogram

1988-1997 Sør-Afrikas utenriksdepartement


  • Fredsoperasjoner

Towards an African Model of Peace Operations

  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner

The Future of African Peace Operations: From the Janjaweed to Boko Haram

Facing threats ranging from Islamist insurgencies to the Ebola pandemic, African regional actors are playing an increasingly vital role in safeguarding peace and stability across the continent. But while the African Union has demonstrated its ability to deploy forces on short notice and in difficult circumstances, the challenges posed by increasingly complex conflict zones have revealed a widening divide between the theory and practice of peacekeeping. With the AU's African Standby Force becoming fully operational in 2016, this timely and much-needed work argues that responding to these challenges will require a new and distinctively African model of peacekeeping, as well as a radical revision of the current African security framework. The first book to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of African peace operations, The Future of African Peace Operations gives a long overdue assessment of the ways which peacekeeping on the continent has evolved over the past decade. It will be a vital resource for policy makers, researchers and all those seeking solutions and insights into the immense security challenges which Africa is facing today.

  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • Opprørsgrupper
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN
  • AU
  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • Opprørsgrupper
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN
  • AU
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Towards More People-Centric Peace Operations: From ‘Extension of State Authority’ to ‘Strengthening Inclusive State-Society Relations

Periods of conflict erode trust between national and local authorities and the people they govern, a trust that needs to be re-established. As peace operations are undertaken by inter-governmental bodies that tend to be inherently state-centric, however, peace operations need to go beyond merely supporting the extension of state-authority and strengthen inclusive state-society relations by supporting and facilitating inclusive processes that can address social cohesion, inequalities and marginalization. In order to support the emergence of resilient societies, these operations must help states and their societies to develop inclusive processes that enable participatory and responsive state institutions that are closely connected to the social institutions in the communities they serve. Furthermore, peace operations are often perceived as being partial to the party in government, while the government of the day often discourages peace operations from engaging with civil society. In the first part of this paper we explain why strengthening inclusive state-society relations is an important issue to address when peace operations are mandated to foster peace processes that can resist relapse. The second half of the paper shifts the attention to how peace operations can enhance and support state-society relations. In addition to monitoring the effect peace operations have on state institutions, operations should monitor how people experience the role and impact of peace operations. This can be assessed in a number of ways, including by involving representative advisory groups from civil society and local communities in assessments, analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation, so as to ensure continuous direct input and feedback from the society on the work of the peace operation.

  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Fredsoperasjoner
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Contributing to Africa's Peacekeeping Capacity: 20 Years of Training for Peace in Africa

  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Afrika
  • Fredsoperasjoner
10:45 -
10:45 -
25. okt. 2015
10:45 -

FN 70 år: Fred og sikkerhet

Dette seminaret fokuserer på fred og tryggleik, og utforskar dei tre nylege evalueringsprosessane på feltet: evalueringa av fredsoperasjonar, fredbyggingsarkitektur og implementaringen av FNs tryggingsrådsresolusjon 1325.

191 - 200 av 258 oppføringer