Blanda signal: Kva seier Putin om likestilling?
Blant russlandsforskarar er det ei utbreidd oppfatning om at Putin gradvis har gått i ei meir konservativ retning, særleg når det gjeld kjønnsspørsmål. Men har han eigentleg det, når vi ser nærare på den russiske presidentens eigen retorikk?
Governance, Social Policy, and Political Economy: Trends in Norway’s Partner Countries
In 2017–2018, NUPI (the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs) headed a project where political economy analyses were undertaken in eleven of Norway’s partner countries. These analyses were published as eleven separate reports. The reports focused on power relations and political developments in the partner countries, but they also analyzed the nature of governance. After the publication of the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators for 2019, the MFA approached NUPI and requested that we summarize the findings of this report for Norway’s eleven partner countries and assess these findings in light of the political economy analyses. We were also asked to investigate whether there were any connections between the nature and quality of governance on the one hand, and the nature of social policies and the human rights situation on the other. This report presents the findings of this assessment of the governance scores in the light of the above-mentioned political economy analyses. The report is structured as follows: Firstly, after briefly describing the governance indictors used by the World Bank, we summarize the eleven countries’ scores on the various governance indicators. Secondly, we assess the evolution of governance in the eleven countries, by comparing the scores in the 2019 report with those from 2011. Thirdly, we summarize the findings of the political economy analyses of the eleven countries and discuss how they fit with the governance scores. Finally, we present the eleven countries’ expenditure on social policies, as reported in the ILOs World Social Protection Report, and the human rights situation for the partner countries, and then describe how these findings relate to the governance scores.
Korleis påverkar klimaendringane FNs fredsoperasjonar?
Få unik innsikt i kva klimaendringane betyr for FNs fredsbevarande operasjonar.
Adaptive Peace Operations: Navigating the Complexity of Influencing Societal Change Without Causing Harm
Fredsoperasjoner iverksettes for å demme opp for vold og lette fredsprosesser, men hvis de er for inngripende vil de forårsake skade ved å uaktsomt forstyrre tilbakemeldingsmekanismene som er så kritiske for at egenorganisering skal oppstå og reformene bli levedyktige. For å navigere i dette dilemmaet, foreslår Cedric de Coning (forsker 1) i denne fagartikkelen å bruke en adaptiv tilnærming, der fredsoperasjoner – sammen med de konfliktrammede samfunnene og borgerne – aktivt tar del i en gjensidig prosess, med induktiv læring og tilpasning. Adaptive Peace Operations er en normativ og funksjonell tilnærming til fredsoperasjoner med mål om å navigere kompleksiteten som følger med forsøk å dytte samfunnsendringer i retning av varig fred, uten å samtidig forårsake skade.
New study shows 95% South Sudanese depend on climate sensitive livelihood
The collaborative project undertaken by the Norwegian institute of international affairs, is aimed at achieving UN climate agenda. The institute has been conducting its research for close to ten years and it will complete its mandate in 2023. Lead researcher on the South Sudan fact sheet, Dr Andrew E. Yaw Tchie says they have identified livelihood decline, migration and mobility, military and armed actors and political and economic exploitation as pathways negatively affecting climate, Peace and Security.
South Sudan’s battle for Democracy
Fredsprosessen i Sør-Sudan er stadig gjenstand for forhandlinger. Et nytt Sør-Sudan må vokse frem gjennom en sivil, teknokratisk regjering. Dette forutsetter en endring i måten sikkerhetsstyrker kontrollerer staten på. Det betyr også at man må ta på alvor de opprinnelige årsakene til konflikt, å implementere en overgangsregjering, utforme en ny grunnlov, avgjøre hvilken form for føderalisme som best passer landet, samt styrke valgkommisjonen, skriver Andrew E. Yaw Tchie i denne analysen.
Hybrid Media and Hybrid Politics: Contesting Informational Uncertainty in Lebanon and Tunisia
This paper investigates the dynamic relationship between hybrid media and hybrid politics in Lebanon and Tunisia. While previous research on the media in hybrid regimes has mainly focused on regime strategies of restricting and manipulating public debate, our analysis moves beyond repression. We argue that the ambiguities of hybrid politics, which combines democratic and authoritarian elements, not only constrain independent and critical reporting but also open up opportunities for journalistic agencies. We draw on Schedler’s concept of informational uncertainty to capture the epistemological instability of hybrid regimes and the strategies of political actors to control public knowledge. Distinguishing between three dimensions of media hybridity - economic, cultural and technological - we show how the new hybrid media environment significantly increases the volatility of hybrid politics and informational uncertainty for political actors. Our empirical analysis is based on seventy-one semistructured interviews with journalists in Lebanon and Tunisia conducted between 2016 and 2019. The material reveals a broad range of strategies used by journalists who employ the internal contradictions of hybrid politics to pursue their own agenda. The comparison between Lebanon and Tunisia also highlights contextual conditions that enable, or limit, journalistic agency, such as clientelistic dependencies, economic resources, and civil society alliances.
Resilience in the age of crises
Denne forskningsrapporten undersøker konseptet 'resiliens' som en respons på ustabilitet og turbulens. Mens 'resiliens' brukes av flere internasjonale organisasjoner og nasjonalstater, hersker det usikkerhet og mangel på enighet om hva konseptet egentlig betyr – det betegner både evnen til å motsette seg endring, samtidig som det betyr det å være tilpasningsdyktig. Denne rapporten gir klarhet i debatten rundt 'resiliens' og argumenterer for at det er nødvendig å inkludere tid som en dimensjon når 'resiliens' skal brukes.