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NUPI skole

China’s Belt and Road Initiative through the lens of Central Asia

Has the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched by China in 2013, changed the perception of China among local actors in Central Asia? There are numerous internal problems and contradictions among the Central Asian countries and the region remains one of the least integrated in the world. This poses serious challenges to BRI but also offers opportunities for enhancing regional connectivity and integration. Although there has been some research and even more media coverage of BRI, little is known about how Central Asians perceive BRI. This chapter fills some of these gaps and analyzes the present state of relations between the Central Asian countries and China and collects and systematizes perceptions of Beijing and BRI among Central Asian stakeholders. The analysis focuses on economic cooperation, infrastructure and educational initiatives, as they as they are among BRI's main pillars. The main conclusion is that current attitudes towards China have been formed within the framework of bilateral relations that started in 1991, and there has so far been no major shift in the perception of China in Central Asia since BRI was launched. Whereas the broader public expects more economic opportunities from BRI and there has been more discussion of China's role in Central Asia after 2013, local communities remain uninformed and weakly connected to the high-level interaction between the Chinese and Central Asian governments.

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Handel
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Asia
  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Handel
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Asia

WPS and Female Peacekeepers

The chapter provides an overview of the participation of female peacekeeping personnel in UN missions, tracing key target and agenda- setting policy events, as well as examining causes for the slow progress in female participation. The chapter considers female participation in the military, police, and civilian components of UN peacekeeping operations. It then critically discusses the drawbacks of the “gender- balancing” agenda advanced by the UN, which critics argue has often amounted to “tokenism.” This necessary, but insufficient goal of increasing numbers alone, has been prioritized over the more comprehensive and potentially transformative goal of gender mainstreaming. Gender mainstreaming in peacekeeping is defined as “a way of guaranteeing that the concerns, requirements and opinions of women and men are included equally into every aspect of peacekeeping.” Moreover, each component of the mission should include a “gender perspective in all its functions and tasks from start- up to draw- down” (United Nations 2014: 21– 22). Failing to address the complexity of gender relations and the militarized, masculine, institutional structures within peacekeeping missions themselves will ultimately constrain gender equality. Seeking to situate the WPS agenda within the broader context of UN peace operations, the chapter concludes by reflecting on some of the possible implications of the trend toward militarization and securitization within peacekeeping which will have consequences for women’s active and quality participation in peacekeeping.

  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • FN
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • FN

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Norway’s Options

What would the late political economist and intellectual Albert O. Hirschmann have said if asked to assess the developments in Europe – and its future – at a time when decision makers and voters feel that the quality of their community is decreasing, or fail to see the benefits of its achievements? Drawing on Hirschmann’s works, NUPI Director Ulf Sverdrup offers three intertwined strategies for European states’ approach to Europe in the time to come: “Exit”, “voice” and “loyalty”. Sverdrup reminds us that most would agree that being European is something more than being a EU citizen. According to him, there are good reasons to believe that non-members, like Norway, can contribute to developing Europe in the future. However, a common challenge for both outsiders and insiders is to recognize the multifaceted nature of Europe, and to encourage non-members not to disengage from Europe while, at the same time, encouraging the EU to relate to its European partners outside the EU.

  • Europa
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • EU
  • Europa
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • EU

Et nytt verdensbilde

Ærlighet, samarbeid og motstandskraft er det viktigste Norge bør fokusere på i tiden som kommer. Det understreket NUPI-direktør Ulf Sverdrup under sin tale på NHO's årskonferansen 9. januar. Her kan du lese den i sin helhet.

  • Utenrikspolitikk

Peacekeeping: Resilience of an idea

This chapter examines the evolution of the idea of UN peacekeeping, asking how an instrument developed in the late 1940s managed to not only survive but also respond to the changing geopolitical and conflict landscape over the last seventy years. Through an overview of major doctrinal developments and institutional adaptations, the chapter analyses how the peacekeeping tool was adapted from a bipolar world, via a unipolar one to today’s multipolar world. Peter argues that peacekeeping started as a conflict management instrument, which was adapted to a conflict resolution mechanism after the end of the Cold War, but has now come full circle and is again increasingly used to manage and contain, not resolve conflicts.

  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN

Introduction. UN peace operations: Adapting to a new global order?

The introduction identifies four transformations in the global order, whose implications on the UN peace operations are studied in the remainder of the volume. These four transformations are: (1) the rebalancing of relations between states of the global North and the global South; (2) the rise of regional organisations as providers of peace; (3) the rise of violent extremism and fundamentalist non-state actors; and (4) increasing demands from non-state actors for greater emphasis on human security. With the entry of new actors from the global South as important players in the peace arena, we are entering a more pragmatic era of UN peace operations. At the same time, the UN is facing a classic struggle between the promotion of liberal international norms and realist security concerns.

  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN

Intelligence and oversight at the outset of the twenty-first century

This book examines how key developments in international relations in recent years have affected intelligence agencies and their oversight. Since the turn of the millennium, intelligence agencies have been operating in a tense and rapidly changing security environment. This book addresses the impact of three factors on intelligence oversight: the growth of more complex terror threats, such as those caused by the rise of Islamic State; the colder East-West climate following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea; and new challenges relating to the large-scale intelligence collection and intrusive surveillance practices revealed by Edward Snowden. This volume evaluates the impact these factors have had on security and intelligence services in a range of countries, together with the challenges that they present for intelligence oversight bodies to adapt in response. With chapters surveying developments in Norway, Romania, the UK, Belgium, France, the USA, Canada and Germany, the coverage is varied, wide and up-to-date. This book will be of much interest to students of intelligence studies, security studies and International Relations.

  • Etterretning
  • Etterretning
11:00 - 18:00
Arena, Clarion Hotel The Edge, Tromsø
11:00 - 18:00
Arena, Clarion Hotel The Edge, Tromsø
22. jan. 2019
11:00 - 18:00
Arena, Clarion Hotel The Edge, Tromsø

NUPI på Arctic Frontiers: Vitskapsdiplomati og tryggleik i Arktis

Vi set vitskapsdiplomati og tryggleik i Arktis under lupa på dette årets Arctic Frontiers.

16:00 - 17:30
16:00 - 17:30
27. jan. 2019
16:00 - 17:30

Tryggingspolitikk og stormaktsinteresser i Arktis

Noregs viktigaste utanrikspolitiske interesseområde er i nord. Arktis er likevel i endring. Korleis kan Noreg og andre nordiske land best bidra til å sikre fred og tryggleik i Arktis?


UN Policing: The Security-Trust Challenge.

The demand for UN police is increasing due to the recognition that functioning local police is a central element of the UN exit strategy. UN policing was never easy, but the combination of an increasing deployment of UN operations in the midst of on-going wars, and the steady increase of UN police tasks without adequate increases in resources or training, has made UN policing even more complicated in recent years. Examining both the security and trust role of police in society, Osland argues that the main challenge for UN police in post-conflict situations is to close the security–trust gap. So far, most of the focus has been on the security aspects. The chapter asks whether the UN is set up to achieve both.

  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • FN
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Konflikt
  • FN
2031 - 2040 av 4833 oppføringer