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Nobels fredspris 2022 til Ales Bjaljatski, Memorial og The Centre for Civil Liberties
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The challenge of IUU fishing in West Africa and The PotentialTechnology Solutions: An analysis of international cooperationprojects in Ghana and Gu...
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a social, economic and environmental problem. It undermines management and drives the depletion of fish stocks, threatens food security, and drains valuable resources from the economy. In recent decades, efforts have been made to build an international regime that can curb IUU fishing. However, implementing this regime and stemming the tides of IUU fishing remains challenging. At the center of this challenge is the necessity to create capacity in states for the monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS) of fisheries. Monitoring fisheries means measuring fishing effort characteristics and resource yields continuously. The control of fisheries concerns the establishment of regulations for exploiting resources. Surveillance refers to the measures to secure compliance with regulatory controls.
Korleis har krigen i Ukraina endra tryggingssituasjonen i Svartehavet og i Nordområdene?
Vi ser nærare på korleis den russiske aggresjonen mot Ukraina har endra oppfatninga om tryggleik i Svartehavsregionen og i Nordområdene.
KRONIKK: Skinnavstemninger i Ukraina er en farlig russisk eskalering
The China-Europe Freight Train and the War in Ukraine:Triumph and Tribulations in Transcontinental Shipping
I denne policy briefen analyserer professor Xiangming Chen China-Europe Freight Train (CEFT), som er flaggskipet i Kinas belte- og vei-initiativ (BRI). Chen evaluerer CEFTs omfang, effektivitet og tilpasningsdyktighet basert på den senere tids geopolitiske utviklingstrekk, spesielt krigen i Ukraina.
Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Colombia
I sitt nye faktaarket utforsker forskere fra NUPI og SIPRIs Climate-related peace and Security Risk prosjekt sammenhengen mellom klimaendringer og sikkerhet i Colombia.