Anbefaler norsk modell til FN
Forrige uke lanserte NUPI og IPI en rapport som konkluderer med at den norskinitierte, flernasjonale rotasjonsordningen for transportfly bør danne modell for hvordan FN generer styrker i fremtiden.
Plug and Play: Multinational Rotation Contributions for UN Peacekeeping Operations
In 2016, Norway spearheaded the provision of multinational rotation contribution (MRC) of a C-130 transport plane, together with Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, and Sweden, lasting from January 2016 to December 2018. According to Hervé Ladsous, then Under Secretary-General (USG) for UN peacekeeping operations, speaking at the UN Peacekeeping Defence Ministerial in London on 8 September 2016, MRCs can be seen as a new and innovative partnership aimed at providing a predictable supply of niche capabilities to UN peace operations. This report studies early lessons from the C-130 MRC and argues that for some key capabilities, MRCs can complement traditional force generation for UN peacekeeping operations. For member states, the ‘plug-and-play’ characteristic can lower the threshold and increase the incentives for contribution; for the UN, they can enable predictable and cost-effective supply of niche capabilities in key areas. However, MRCs are not applicable to all capabilities, and require flexibility and the ability to reform among all concerned parties.
Valget i Iran: Dette må du vite
NUPI-forsker Joachim Nahem svarer på de viktigste spørsmålene om Iran- valgene.
Å kommunisere en konflikt – aktører i RTs dekning av situasjonen i Ukraina i februar–mars 2014
(Fulltekstartikkel kun på norsk): This article analyses the Russian public diplomacy news organization RT’s coverage of the situation in Ukraine in February–March 2014, the period that culminated with the annexation of Crimea. It finds that enemy images were drawn of the West/USA and of Ukrainian radicals, whereas the liberal opposition and in part the new Ukrainian government were subjected to «symbolic annihilation» – that is they were not represented at all, only indirectly in depictions of the enemy image of the other actors. Locating these portrayals in the theoretical literature on «strategic narratives», the author interprets them as attempts at achieving consensus around Russia’s own perspectives on international affairs, which include the promotion of a world order in which the USA is no longer a hegemon and Russia is respected as a great power.
Unyanserte nyheter som risikosport
Hvordan fremstiller internasjonale medier radikaliseringsutfordringer?
The Rebalance to Asia Under Trump
Attempts to predict the future shape of President Donald Trump’s defence policy in the Asia-Pacific are a challenge, at best. Nevertheless, Patrick Cullen argues that, in contrast to early assumptions that he would initiate a more isolationist defence policy and break with the previous administration’s Rebalance to Asia policy, Trump is more likely to adopt a hawkish – if unpredictable – enforcement of the policy’s key defence objectives. Gauging whether the Trump administration will bring either change from, or continuity with, the military component of the Rebalance to Asia policy will require keeping an eye on each of the policy’s subcategories.
Commentary: Neighbors in a changed terrain
Forrige uke publiserte regjeringen et nytt strategidokument for nordområdene. Denne kommentaren tar for seg noen av de viktigste temaene på det internasjonale feltet i strategien.
Montenegros integrasjon til EU og NATO i utfordrande tider
Montenegro er i ferd med å bli NATOs 29. medlem, og er dermed det første landet frå Vest-Balkan sidan Kroatia blei medlem i 2009. I samband med dette kjem Montenegros europaminister for å dele sitt syn på situasjonen.
Lunsjseminar: Al-Qaida i Afghanistan - eit alternativt perspektiv
Konsortium for forsking på terrorisme og internasjonal kriminalitet har gleda av å ønskje Anne Stenersen velkommen for å snakke om den nye boka si som gir eit anna perspektiv på al-Qaida.