Swedish–Norwegian Defence Cooperation: New opportunities?
Swedish–Norwegian defence cooperation has encountered rough seas in recent years, but now seems to have entered smoother waters. This is due to both push and pull factors: push because the new security environment has increased the likelihood of a crisis in the Nordic/Baltic region, which would probably involve all Nordic states, irrespective of NATO or EU membership. Pull because of the renewed US engagement in the region, because of the EU incentives for industrial defence cooperation – and because geographical proximity in itself creates possibilities for shared solutions and practices. This Policy Brief focuses on Swedish–Norwegian defence cooperation in the broader Nordic/Baltic context. We begin by reviewing recent developments in Swedish defence policies, and the implications of previous failed joint Swedish–Norwegian projects. We then turn to opportunities that may emerge as a result of the mentioned push and pull factors. These opportunities are to be considered as ideas; they have not been thoroughly discussed and assessed, but may serve as starting points for follow-on debates and explorations.
Ny æra for fransk storhet?
Seniorforsker Pernille Rieker har satt fransk utenrikspolitikk under lupen i ny bok.
Tryggingspolitikk sett frå Tyrkia og Russland
Russland og Tyrkia utfordrar forståinga av kva Europa skal vere.
NUPIpodden: Valg i Storbritannia - får May det som hun vil?
NUPI-forsker Kristin Haugevik gir deg det du trenger å vite om Storbritannia-valget.
Female heroes in a man's world: The construction of female heroes in Kyrgyzstan's symbolic nation-building
This article explores how Kurmanzhan Datka and other female heroes fit into the heavily male-dominated narrative traditionally promoted by Kyrgyz nation-builders. From a reading of state-approved secondary school history textbooks, the article traces the construction of female heroes and discusses how this construction contributes to the gender dimension of Kyrgyz nation-building: What values do these female symbols appear to represent? Which roles have they been assigned in the process of Kyrgyz nation-building? And what consequences may this have for the reproduction of hegemonic gender conceptions?
Fører kvotering til sosial rettferd?
Kva er konsekvensane av politisk kvotering? Dette er spørsmålet NUPI-forskar Francesca R. Jensenius har sett på i den nye boka si. På denne boklanseringa snakkar ho og Mari Teigen (ISF) om dei viktigaste funna i boka og relevansen dei har for politisk inkludering i andre samanhengar, slik som i Noreg.
Små brikker i det store spelet – Moldova
Moldovas utanriksminister Andrei Galbur besøkjer NUPI 16. juni for å snakke om dei utanrikspolitiske målsetjingane i landet i ei verd som står overfor talrike gamle og nye utfordringar.
EUs framtid sett med greske auge
Med ei endra verd vil vi også få eit endra EU. Som eit av medlemslanda i unionen, har Hellas hatt eit anstrengt forhold til Brussel lenge. Korleis ser Hellas på EUs framtid?