Transformation during War: Mission possible. Ukrainian takeaways for West
NUPI har gleda av å invitere til seminar der Ukrainas visestatsminister skal snakke om situasjonen i landet.
Frukostseminar: Amerikansk tryggingspolitikk under president Trump
I løpet av dei tre første månadene sine som president har Trumps tryggingspolitikk skilt seg mykje frå valkampløfta til presidenten.
Iceland’s Relations with its Regional Powers: Alignment with the EU-US sanctions
The paper examines the Icelandic government’s consideration to withdraw its support for the sanctions against Russia over Ukraine in 2015. The consideration came as a surprise to many since Iceland in the past has habitually aligned itself closely with the United States and the European Union in such matters. The Icelandic fishing industry lobbied hard for the sanctions to be lifted to avoid Russian counter-sanctions on Iceland. After considerable internal debate, the government decided to uphold the sanctions, but settled on a policy of not taking part in EU´s foreign policy declarations about the sanctions. This move is interesting given Iceland’s traditional positioning between two gravitational centres in world politics: the EU and the US. The paper discusses what this case tells us about Icelandic policymakers’ room for maneuvering in the formulation and enactment of its foreign policy, and about Iceland’s foreign policy bonds to the US and the EU.
Fortellingen om Kina
Ny artikkel: Kina stiger raskt opp som en nøkkelaktør på det afrikanske kontinentet.
Fransk val nachspiel: Korleis blir den franske politikken?
Emmanuel Macron skal styre Frankrike dei neste åra. Christian Lequesne gjestar NUPI for å snakke om utfallet av valet.
NUPI-uken som gikk – uke 14
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Regionale reformer i Russland: Public Management
NUPI har gleda av å invitere til seminar som markerer slutten på prosjektet "Local government budgeting reforms in Russia: Implications and Tensions (BUDRUS)”.
From humanitarian action to development aid in northern Uganda and the formation of a humanitarian-development nexus
The instituted order of humanitarianism is both changing and challenged. This article addresses the transition between humanitarian action and development aid in northern Uganda, which was driven by the government’s ambition to reassert its humanitarian sovereignty by discursively recasting the situation from one of crisis to one of recovery and development, regardless of the persistent humanitarian needs. In response, humanitarian actors either withdrew or moved into development aid. This bourgeoning humanitarian–development nexus questions the nature and future of humanitarianism and whether there is a hierarchy – or contradiction – between the humanitarian mandate and pragmatic approaches to save lives and protect civilians.
Er Forsvaret rustet for fremtiden?
Et nytt trusselbilde bringer med seg nye utfordringer for Forsvaret. Landmakten får nå en egen utredning. Seniorforsker Nina Græger svarer på hva som blir viktigst for landmakten i fremtiden.
Norge møter Kina – viktig for god forskning
Forsker ved UiB og NUPI, Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr forklarer hvorfor møtet er så viktig.