Kamp mot valdeleg ekstremisme: Kva kan vi lære av erfaringane frå Nord-Kaukasus?
Kva påverkar straumen av rekruttar frå republikkane i Nord-Kaukasus til jihadistgrupper i og utanfor Russland?
Managing a Digital Revolution - Cyber Security Capacity Building in Myanmar
Digitalization is exposing developing countries to a growing number of risks, as well as opportunities associated with connecting to the Internet. Myanmar stands out as a critical case of both the pitfalls and the benefits Internet connection can bring. Amidst a political transition from military rule to a functioning democracy Myanmar is adding ICT to key areas like banking and e-government. Having been one of the least connected countries in the world only five years ago the country is now connecting to the Internet at an unprecedented pace, with little or no institutions in place to ensure the transition goes smoothly. Using the framework of Cyber Security Capacity Building (CCB) we examine the risks and potential benefits of Myanmar’s embracement of digital technologies.
Korleis førebur Russland seg på eit maktskifte?
I samsvar med grunnloven er dette Putins siste presidentperiode. Korleis førebur det russiske politiske systemet seg på eit maktskifte?
Nye tilløp til rustningskontroll
Putin vil gjenopplive dialogen om rustningskontroll, skriver Sverre Lodgaard.
I gode og onde dager: USAs internasjonale antiterror-partnerskap
Virker mellomstatlig antiterrorsamarbeid?
Free Trade Agreements and Globalisation. In the Shadow of Brexit and Trump. (E-book)
The book provides a comprehensive analysis of free trade agreements (FTAs); their number, content and impact. It examines trade and FTAs for the whole world, split into seven major regions. The book presents a new numerical model of world trade, with results from 110 countries and regions. The results shed light on the impact of FTA, as well as the growth of China and the value of trade in general. The book also contains analysis of the sub-regional impact of trade and trade policy for large nations. It also includes some teaching material.
KRONIKK: Ideologenes kamp
Russiske Aleksander Dugin og amerikanske Steve Bannon bygger høyreradikale nettverk i Europa, skriver Minda Holm .
Ideologenes kamp
To innflytelsesrike ideologer – en russisk, en amerikansk – bygger høyreradikale nettverk i Europa. Selv om ideologien springer ut fra like kilder, har de ulike visjoner.
Cybertryggleik og vernet av kritisk infrastruktur – eit amerikansk perspektiv
Michael Chertoff deler erfaringane sine frå tida som leiar for US Department of Homeland Security, og han skal snakke om korleis vi best mogleg kan sikre kritisk infrastruktur mot cyberangrep.
Arctic Governance: Power in cross-border cooperation
This book seeks to pose and explore a question that sheds light on the contested but largelyl cooperative nature of Arctic governance in the post Cold-War period: how does power matter - and how has it mattered - in shaping cross-border cooperation and diplomacy in the Arctic? Each chapter functions as a window through which power relations in the Arctic are explored. Issues include how representing the Arctic region matters for securing preffered outcomes, how circumpolar cooperation is marked by regional hierarchies and how Arctic governance has become a global social site in its own right, replete with disciplining norms for steering diplomatic behaviour. This book draws upon Russia's role in the Arctic Council as an extended case study and examines how Arctic cross-border governance can be understood as a site of competition over the exercise of authority. The book was launched at the Stimson Center in Washington DC on 12 September 2018. Watch the launch seminar, Russia and Arctic Governance: Cooperation in Conflict, here: https://youtu.be/bQ0iKwUbims