Arne Melchior
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Arne Melchior’s research areas include international trade and global development; trade policy and international economic institutions; international inequality; geographical economics and regional development; Asia, India and China. Ph.D. (Dr. Polit., 1997) in economics from the University of Oslo, on international economic integration.
He has been head of the international economics group at NUPI for extended periods, and Assistant Director (3 years). Before research career: Experience from international trade negotiations as government official; including multilateral trade negotiations, and bilateral negotiations with several Asian countries. Experience from managing a large number of research projects.
1997 Dr. polit., University of Oslo, Dept. of Economics. Dissertation: On the Economics of Market Access and International Economic Integration.
1990 Cand. polit, economics, University of Bergen, Norway, specialisation in economics, thesis: On the impact of quotas on low-cost imports of clothing
1981 Certificate of Advanced European Studies, Bruges, Belgium. Specialisation: International economics.
Work Experience
1989- Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow/Head of Department/Assistant Director at NUPI
1981-1987 Senior Executive Officer/Head of Division, Ministry of Trade and Shipping, Norway
Clear all filtersGlobalisation, Domestic Market Integration, and the Regional Disparities of India
Services and Development - The Scope for Special and Differential Treatment in the GATS
Globalisation and the provinces of China: the role of domestic versus international integration