Jakub M. Godzimirski
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Jakub M. Godzimirski har arbeidet med russisk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk på NUPI i over 20 år, med særlig vekt på energiressursers rolle i russisk strategi. I tillegg har han arbeidet med europeisk politikk og dennes påvirkning på utvikling i Sentral- og Øst-Europa, inkludert forholdet til Russland.
1987 Doktorgrad i sosialantropologi ved Det polske Vitenskapsakademi
1981 Mastergrad i sosialantropologi, UW
1995- Forsker ved Russlandsavdelingen på NUPI
1993-1994 Senioranalytiker ved Forsvarsdepartementet Polen
1981-1987 Forsker ved Det polske Vitenskapsakademi
Tøm alle filtreNew European Diasporas and Migration Governance:Poles in Norway
The EU has usually considered immigration policy for third country nationals and the free movement framework for EU citizens to be two separate policy fields. Increasingly, they are being conflated. This places a country such as Poland in an ambivalent position. When it comes to the treatment of third country nationals, Central and Eastern European member governments—including that in Warsaw—are reluctant to agree on fixed quotas to relocate forced migrants from the south, fearing that this could strain their limited resources and entail heavy political costs. When it comes to free movement, by contrast, Poland and other sending countries of the region are having to defend the status of their own citizens residing in Western Europe and call on support and solidarity there. This report examines how this may affect the specific situation of the Polish migrant community in Norway. Poland can draw lessons from Norway, which has only recently made the transition to becoming a country of immigration.
How does the search for energy security affect EU policies in other issue-areas? GR:EEN Policy Brief 23
This policy brief addresses the question of how the EU’s search for energy security does – or does not – affect EU policies in other areas. Due to the fact that the EU has to import energy commodities to meet its energy needs, and that coping with the challenge of energy supply is defined as one of the three main goals of the EU’s energy policy, the focus of this brief will be on the issue areas that may affect the EU’s relations with the main suppliers of energy.
Innovation, networks and energy governance: The case of shale gas, GR:EEN Policy Brief 22
This Policy Brief explores the role of technological innovation in shaping energy governance and how energy governance is being shaped by actors operating in various types of policy networks in the EU. The main aim of this brief is to explore how new technology – in this case the technology making it possible to produce gas and oil from shale deposits – is about to change the situation in the regional and global energy markets and to analyse the impact of this new technology on energy governance in the EU and in member states.
Mapping EU countries’ relationships with energy suppliers, GR:EEN European Policy Brief 28
Polish and Norwegian Governance: Closing the Gaps
The report is co-authored/co-edited by a group of Polish project team members: Krzysztof Kasianiuk, Kinga Dudzińska, Grzegorz Gałczyński,Tomasz Paszewski, Dominik Smyrgała
Linking National and European Governance: Lessons for Poland and Norway, PISM Strategic File nr.17(53)
(Co-authored/co-edited with Polish members of the project team Lidia Puka, Roderick Parkes,Agata Gostyńska, Pernille Rieker, Marta Stormowska)Influencing the EU’s governance poses both a challenge and an opportunity to mid-size countries like Poland and Norway. As an analytical approach, “experimentalist governance”—with its focus on the utility of learning in a multilevel system—should offer both countries clues about influencing the European regime. Yet, the relevance of the theory to policy areas of most interest to both countries— security, energy and migration—remains unclear. As part of the GoodGov project, this paper assesses the applicability of experimentalist learning to these three fields and highlights the need for both countries to strengthen horizontal cooperation with state and non-state actors if they are to exploit it.
Global Re-ordering: Evolution through European Networks (GR:EEN)
GR:EEN studerer EUs nåværende og fremtidige rolle i en fremvoksende multipolar verden gjennom et forskningsprogram med en multidisiplinær tilnærming. ...