Jakub M. Godzimirski
Kontaktinfo og filer
Jakub M. Godzimirski har arbeidet med russisk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk på NUPI i over 20 år, med særlig vekt på energiressursers rolle i russisk strategi. I tillegg har han arbeidet med europeisk politikk og dennes påvirkning på utvikling i Sentral- og Øst-Europa, inkludert forholdet til Russland.
1987 Doktorgrad i sosialantropologi ved Det polske Vitenskapsakademi
1981 Mastergrad i sosialantropologi, UW
1995- Forsker ved Russlandsavdelingen på NUPI
1993-1994 Senioranalytiker ved Forsvarsdepartementet Polen
1981-1987 Forsker ved Det polske Vitenskapsakademi
Tøm alle filtreEU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance: Global and Local Challenges and Responses
This edited collection focuses on the impact of the changing global distribution of power on the EU's energy policy and ability to project its approach to energy-related issues abroad. The authors map the EU's energy governance, its changing global position and the impact of various factors on its capacity to pursue its interests in the field of energy. They also provide insights into the internal and external energy policy of the EU, and explores how various EU institutions shape energy policy. They examine, moreover, the state of the EU's relations with its external energy suppliers, such as Russia, and with other global energy actors, such as China, the main global consumer of energy; the USA, which is going through a technologically-driven energy revolution; and Brazil, which may become a key global energy player.
NordStream-2-prosjektets påvirkning på det europeiske gassmarkedet – en utfordring for EU’s energipolitikk
Seminaret fokuserer på fleire viktige spørsmål som er opp til debatt i samband med den planlagde bygginga av Nordstream-2-røyrleidningen under Austersjøen. I ein europeisk samanheng er dette eit strategisk og kontroversielt energiprosjekt.
The Security Policy of Poland and Norway in the National, Regional and European Dimensions
EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance
This edited volume focuses on the impact of the changing global distribution of power on the EU's energy policy and ability to project its approach to energy-related issues abroad. The authors map the EU's energy governance, its changing global position and the impact of various factors and actors on its capacity to pursue its interests in the field of energy. The volume provides insights into the internal and external energy policy of the EU, explores how various EU institutions shape energy policy and examines the state of the EU's relations with its external energy suppliers, such as Russia, and with other global energy actors, such as China, the main global consumer of energy; the USA, which is going through a technologically-driven energy revolution; and Brazil, which may become a key global energy player.
Europa i endring - små stater og Europa i en epoke med globale skifter
Kva slags betydning har EU for små statar i ei tid prega av europeiske endringar og globale skifte? Blir unionen viktigare eller stadig meir utdatert? NUPI inviterer til eit offentleg seminar med EU/EØS-minister Vidar Helgesen, som del av EUNOR-konferansen vår.
Hva gjør fremtidens petroleumssektor med geopolitikken?
Dette seminaret vil utforske geopolitikk med blikk på energifeltet. Seminaret utforskar korleis geopolitiske relasjonar kan påverkast i framtida, og Saudi-Arabias tilnærming til skiferrevolusjonen.
Engergy Security in the Baltic Sea Region: Regional coordination and and management of interdependencies
The study maps changing energy relations in the Baltic Sea region in the aftermath of two events – the 2004 EU enlargement that has changed the political and institutional / regulatory landscape of the region and the outbreak of the armed conflict in Ukraine that has put the issue of energy security – and security in more general terms – very high on the European political agenda. It discusses how the regional distribution of energy resources and energy policies have contributed to altering the level of energy security in the whole region and in particular countries, how various actors have addressed energy security concerns by cooperative policies, in particular, EU wide and sub-regional (Nordic, Baltic) coordination measures aimed at managing energy interdependencies and increasing energy security.