Asia-Arctic Diplomacy a Decade Later: What has changed?
Ten years ago, five Asian states – China, India, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea – joined the Arctic Council as observers. This article discusses how the Asia-Arctic Five’s policies policies and priorities have evolved over the past decade and what their hopes are for the incoming Norwegian chairmanship of the Council.
Klima, fred og sikkerhet: Hvordan lyktes Norge i Sikkerhetsrådet?
Norges periode som valgt medlem i Sikkerhetsrådet var over ved årsskiftet. Her valgte Norge ut fire prioriteringssaker, inkludert klimasikkerhet. Lyktes vi? I dette seminaret diskuterer vi hva Norge har oppnådd på dette området. Hvilke lærdommer kan trekkes fra Norges erfaring, for andre som skal jobbe med dette i fremtiden?
KRONIKK: Satser på sikre satellitter – Norge stengt ute
Solving Europe’s Defense Dilemma: Overcoming the Challenges to European Defense Cooperation
Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine has led to a transformational moment for European defense. However, Europe has a dilemma: it is spending more on defense but cooperating less—all despite three decades of political initiatives designed to improve European defense cooperation.
Russian nuclear energy diplomacy and its implications for energy security in the context of the war in Ukraine
Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the possibility of reducing Europe’s energy dependence on Russian resources has been hotly debated. The fossil fuel industries received most attention as European Union leaders first introduced gradual sanctions on Russian coal and later on oil and gas, while Russia responded with supply cuts. However, Russia’s role as a major player in the global nuclear power sector has remained largely below the sanctions radar, despite dependencies on Russian nuclear technology, uranium supplies and handling of spent nuclear fuel. Here we analyse the state nuclear company Rosatom and its subsidiaries as tools of Russian energy statecraft. We map the company’s global portfolio, then categorize countries where Russia is active according to the degree and intensity of dependence. We offer a taxonomy of long-term energy dependencies, highlighting specific security risks associated with each of them. We conclude that the war and Russia’s actions in the energy sector will undermine Rosatom’s position in Europe and damage its reputation as a reliable supplier, but its global standing may remain strong.
Innspillsmøte om ny norsk Afrika-strategi
Regjeringen starter nå arbeidet med utviklingen av en ny norsk Afrika-strategi, og ønsker innspill fra aktører som er engasjert i Afrika. Utenriksdepartementet i samarbeid med Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI) inviterer til et åpent innspillsmøte, der representanter for regjeringen, relevante institusjoner og nærings- og organisasjonsliv deltar.
NATO and the Invasion, One Year On
Next year will mark 75 years since NATO was founded in 1949. The Atlantic alliance has faced many challenges over seven decades, but Russia’s war of conquest in Ukraine might be its biggest test yet.
PODKAST: Den digitale slagmarken
Tobias Etzold
Tobias Etzold (PhD) er seniorforsker i forskningsgruppen for sikkerhet og forsvar ved NUPI. Han jobber hovedsakelig som prosjektleder for CLIMARCS...