FN-artikkel fra NUPI-forsker på nedlastingstoppen
Hva er konsekvensene av det fredsskapende mandatet for FNs fredsbevarende operasjoner?
Kvotering – hva bør vi forvente?
Francesca R. Jensenius har studert verdens mest omfattende politiske kvoteringssystem.
Swedish–Norwegian Defence Cooperation: New opportunities?
Swedish–Norwegian defence cooperation has encountered rough seas in recent years, but now seems to have entered smoother waters. This is due to both push and pull factors: push because the new security environment has increased the likelihood of a crisis in the Nordic/Baltic region, which would probably involve all Nordic states, irrespective of NATO or EU membership. Pull because of the renewed US engagement in the region, because of the EU incentives for industrial defence cooperation – and because geographical proximity in itself creates possibilities for shared solutions and practices. This Policy Brief focuses on Swedish–Norwegian defence cooperation in the broader Nordic/Baltic context. We begin by reviewing recent developments in Swedish defence policies, and the implications of previous failed joint Swedish–Norwegian projects. We then turn to opportunities that may emerge as a result of the mentioned push and pull factors. These opportunities are to be considered as ideas; they have not been thoroughly discussed and assessed, but may serve as starting points for follow-on debates and explorations.
Ny æra for fransk storhet?
Seniorforsker Pernille Rieker har satt fransk utenrikspolitikk under lupen i ny bok.
Freds- og utviklingsrådgjevarar frå FN samlast på NUPI
NUPI, saman med Oslo Governance Center, er vertskap for fred- og utviklingrådgjevarar frå FN.
Investeringer og sikkerhet
Utenlandske oppkjøp og investeringer er også sikkerhetspolitikk, skriver Ulf Svedrup i DN.
Tryggingspolitikk sett frå Tyrkia og Russland
Russland og Tyrkia utfordrar forståinga av kva Europa skal vere.
The UK withdrawal from the EU - Legal implications for Norway as party to the EEA Agreement
By leaving the European Union, the United Kingdom withdraws from all EU international commitments. The disentanglement of the UK from the EU, Brexit, will thus affect third states and organisations with which the EU entertains relations. Norway will be no exception, particularly in view of the many agreements the country has concluded with the EU, covering a wide range of areas and entailing a high degree of integration with the Union’s legal order, the EEA being the most important of these agreements.