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NUPI skole


Det politiske og økonomiske tyngdepunktet i verden beveger seg mot Asia.

NUPIs forskning på Asia favner vidt. Asias rolle i verdensøkonomien, regionale handelsavtaler og økonomisk utvikling, samt Norges økonomiske forbindelser til asiatiske land er viktige forskningstema. Regional utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk i Asia står også sentralt.
11:00 - 12:30
11:00 - 12:30
5. feb. 2019
11:00 - 12:30

Kinesisk cybertryggleik og konsekvensar for Europa

Kinesiske teknogigantar er i aukande grad synleg og etablerte på den europeiske marknaden. Er vi klare for alt det inneber?


India: A Contradictory Record

This chapter provides a review of the role of women in Indian politics, with a focus on female legislators. It begins with an account of the entry of women into politics in the early 20th century. Second, it looks at the gradual increase in the number of women MPs and the barriers they have faced. The third section presents the debate that resulted in quotas (‘reservations’) for women in local-level politics, but not in the more influential parliament and state assemblies. The final section is about some characteristics of women MPs. This review demonstrates some of the key barriers that keep women out of elected office in India, but also highlights the diversity of the women who have come to power despite these obstacles.

  • Asia
  • Asia

China’s Belt and Road Initiative through the lens of Central Asia

Has the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched by China in 2013, changed the perception of China among local actors in Central Asia? There are numerous internal problems and contradictions among the Central Asian countries and the region remains one of the least integrated in the world. This poses serious challenges to BRI but also offers opportunities for enhancing regional connectivity and integration. Although there has been some research and even more media coverage of BRI, little is known about how Central Asians perceive BRI. This chapter fills some of these gaps and analyzes the present state of relations between the Central Asian countries and China and collects and systematizes perceptions of Beijing and BRI among Central Asian stakeholders. The analysis focuses on economic cooperation, infrastructure and educational initiatives, as they as they are among BRI's main pillars. The main conclusion is that current attitudes towards China have been formed within the framework of bilateral relations that started in 1991, and there has so far been no major shift in the perception of China in Central Asia since BRI was launched. Whereas the broader public expects more economic opportunities from BRI and there has been more discussion of China's role in Central Asia after 2013, local communities remain uninformed and weakly connected to the high-level interaction between the Chinese and Central Asian governments.

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Handel
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Asia
  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Handel
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Asia

Strategic Assistance: China and International Nuclear Weapons Proliferation

A major power with access to nuclear technology, China has a significant impact on international nuclear weapons proliferation, but its attitude towards the spread of the bomb has been inconsistent. China’s mixed record raises a broader question: why, when and how do states support potential nuclear proliferators? This book develops a framework for analyzing such questions, by putting forth three factors that are likely to determine a state’s policy: (1) the risk of changes in the nuclear status or military doctrines of competitors; (2) the recipient’s status and strategic value; and (3) the extent of pressure from third parties to halt nuclear assistance. It then demonstrates how these factors help explain China’s policies towards Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea. Overall, the book finds that China has been a selective and strategic supporter of nuclear proliferators. While nuclear proliferation is a security challenge to China in some settings, in others, it wants to help its friends build the bomb.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Asia
  • Konflikt
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Asia
  • Konflikt
16:00 - 17:30
16:00 - 17:30
29. jan. 2019
16:00 - 17:30

Kina og atomkrisene i Iran og Nord-Korea

Atomavtalen med Iran er i krise, og samtalar om Nord-Koreas atomprogram har gitt liten framgang. Samtidig er Kina på god veg til å bli ein av dei viktigaste og mektigaste statane i verda. Kor viktig er det for Kina å forhindre spreiing av kjernevåpen?


Skal finne ut hvorfor atommaktene i Asia ruster opp

– Situasjonen er mer komplisert nå enn under den kalde krigen, sier Henrik Stålhane Hiim. Sammen med Sverre Lodgaard har han fått 8 millioner kroner fra UD til å forske på drivkreftene bak atomvåpenopprustning i Asia.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Asia
Vitenskapelig artikkel

China's notion of cybersecurity: The importance of strategic cultures for cyber deterrence

This paper debates the importance of different strategic cultures in cyberspace through the example of China. More than any other form of security cyber security is interpreted and acted on differently by different states. While the idea that the Internet would be a liberalizing force throughout the globe was dominant for a long time, over the last few years it has become evident that states have different interpretations and values attached to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). These differences in valuation in turns leads to different conceptualizations of cyber security, giving the term different meanings for different actors. As states disagree over what cyber security is, they are also likely to disagree on how it is to be achieved. This paper evaluates the impact of these differences in light of a frequently used concept in security studies, namely that of deterrence.

  • Cyber
  • Asia
  • Cyber
  • Asia
Research Project
2018 - 2023 (Avsluttet)

Nettverk for forskning på fredsoperasjoners effektivitet (EPON)

NUPI har sammen med 40 partnere over hele verden etablert et internasjonalt nettverk for å forske på fredsoperasjoners effektivitet....

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Development policy
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • North America
  • South and Central America
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • AU
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Development policy
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • North America
  • South and Central America
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • AU
12:00 - 13:30
12:00 - 13:30
12. nov. 2018
12:00 - 13:30

Ti år etter krigen mellom Russland og Georgia: geopolitikk i Sør-Kaukasus og i Svartehavsregionen

Georgias utanriksminister David Zalkaliani skal snakke om situasjonen i landet og områda rundt ti år etter slutten av krigen.

Vitenskapelig artikkel

Derfor dominerer Abe japansk politikk

Shinzō Abe har nok en gang vunnet det interne presidentvalget i sitt parti. Hvordan ble Abe den mest dominerende statsministeren i Japans historie?

  • Asia
  • Asia
271 - 280 av 626 oppføringer