Russia’s Return as True Europe, 1991–2017
Since the reign of Peter the Great, Russia has identified itself in opposition to Europe. In the late 1980s, Michael Gorbachev and associates forged a liberal representation of Europe and initiated a Western-oriented foreign policy. Against this westernizing or liberal representation of Europe stood what was at first a makeshift group of old Communists and right-wing nationalists, who put forward an alternative representation that began to congeal around the idea that the quintessentially Russian trait was to have a strong state. This article traces how this latter position consolidated into a full-fledged xenophobic nationalist representation of Europe, which marginalized first other forms of nationalism and then, particularly since 2013, liberal representations of Europe. The official Russian stance is now that Russia itself is True Europe, a conservative great power that guards Europe’s true Christian heritage against the False Europe of decadence and depravity to its west.
NEW BOOK: What does France want with its foreign policy?
Hear the podcast from the book launch of Senior Research Fellow Pernille Rieker's new book.
Estonia's president on security in the Baltic Sea region
Estonia plays an important role in Europe’s relationship to Russia. The president of Estonia visits NUPI to give some insight in the security challenges in the area.
Breakfast seminar: Japan’s Security and Foreign Policy Challenges on the Korean Peninsula
North Korea’s rapid progress in developing nuclear and missile programs has posed a grave security threat to the international community. Dr. Junya Nishino visits NUPI to discuss this threat from a Japanese point of view.
Facing new threats: The US cyber security strategy
Cyber security and cyber defense are areas that are increasingly receiving more attention, but there are still major challenges for how a country will manage to deal with such threats. Victor Piotrowski and Ralph F. Wachter comes to NUPI to share his experiences about US cyber security and the strategy the country uses.
EU's Global Strategy: A stronger Europe in a fragile world
Dr. Nathalie Tocci visits NUPI to talk about her book that gives an unique insight to EU's internal processes.
New book: Rising Powers may fundamentally change peacebuilding
What exactly is new and innovative about the peacebuilding approach of the rising powers from the Global South?
BOOK LAUNCH: French Foreign Policy in a Changing World
NUPI researcher Pernille Rieker launches her new book on French foreign policy, and how its development affects the country’s relationships to Russia, USA, NATO and the fight against terrorism.
Brexit-forhandlingene vakler videre
(Norwegian only): Det norske mediebildet har de siste ukene vært dominert av stortingsvalget. Ikke uventet har debattene handlet mest om hjemlige forhold, men mange har også etterlyst mer fokus rundt utenrikspolitiske spørsmål – i en tid hvor langvarige samarbeidsmønstre og maktkonstellasjoner ser ut til å være i endring. Norske velgere oppgir også å være noe mer opptatt av utenrikspolitikk enn før. Hva skjer med verden utenfor, og hvordan påvirker det norsk utenrikspolitikk og Norges rolle internasjonalt?
New hub for countering hybrid war opens in Finland
Dr. Patrick Cullen (NUPI) presented key findings from his research on hybrid warfare.