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Roman Vakulchuk

Seniorforsker, Leder for forskningsgruppen for klima og energi

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968 56 688


Roman Vakulchuk er seniorforsker ved NUPI. Han har en doktorgrad i økonomi fra Jacobs University Bremen i Tyskland. Vakulchuk har særlig kunnskap om Kazakhstan, øvrige land i Sentral-Asia og Ukraina, og forskningsfelt inkluderer økonomisk endring og integrasjon, klimaendringer, handel, infrastruktur og transport, næringlivskultur og statskapitalisme i fremvoksende markeder.

Vakulchuk har arbeidserfaring som prosjektleder og ekspert i forskningsprosjekter organisert av blant andre Verdensbanken, Asian Development Bank, Utenriksdepartementet og Norges forskningsråd. Vakulchuk har også arbeidet for Shell i Tyskland. Han snakker engelsk, russisk, ukrainsk, fransk og tysk.


  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Handel
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Asia
  • Klima



Myanmars Attractiveness for Investment in the Energy Sector: A Comparative International Perspective

This report examines the strengths and weaknesses of Myanmar’s business climate in the petroleum and renewable energy sectors: how it compares with other countries, especially in ASEAN; what matters to foreign investors; and how this situation can be improved. Not resting on one’s (new) laurels: The recent international interest in Myanmar may prove counterproductive for the country’s investment climate, if this upsurge in interest induces the government to slow down in its reform efforts. When the novelty of Myanmar wears off, that may become a problem. Indeed, possible signs of such a slowdown can be observed already. According to official data, FDI in Myanmar decreased significantly in the first four months of 2016 compared to the same period in 2015. Investors were increasingly cautious and worried about the slow pace of reform, delays in establishing a panel to approve new investment projects and the lack of clarity on the country’s new economic development strategy (DVB, 2016). This highlights the importance of working constantly to improve the investment climate and staying in close contact with investors, keeping them informed about developments. Challenges common to the petroleum and renewables sectors: Lack of data and information for market entry; fragmented institutional and regulatory framework; low levels of electricity access and digitalization; low international oil prices. Challenges in the petroleum sector: Limited supply-industry infrastructure and lack of local engineers; MOGE petroleum sector monopolization and conflicts of interest; limited geological data; complicated taxation; weak government–business communication; challenges in finding local partners; time-consuming licensing procedures; paper-based communication and lack of e-government; production-sharing agreements biased towards participation of large oil companies, excluding smaller ones; frequent changes in legislation; closed downstream market. Challenges in the renewable energy sector: No national target or legislation on renewable energy; no dedicated public agency regulating the sector; lack of business associations; subsidies for grid electricity generated from fossil fuels disadvantage off-grid renewables; access to suitable land; complex mountainous terrain and protected areas as well as political instability in these areas; underdeveloped grid system for large-scale production; lack of data on the renewable-energy resource potential; limited infrastructure for technical support and maintenance; high cost of installing solar panels and wind turbines; disintegrated biofuel production and supply markets; lack of local specialists; no taxation system for renewables; security risks in conflict-prone Kachin, Rakhine and Shan states. Opportunities in the petroleum and renewable energy sectors: Government commitment to reform; advantageous location as part of the Greater Mekong Subregion and ASEAN, close to the Chinese and Indian markets; significant resource base, especially natural gas, hydropower and bioenergy; rapidly rising energy demand in Myanmar and neighbouring countries; high demand for investment in refineries, oil terminals, oil barges and petrol stations; opportunities in retail business; new petroleum and renewable energy laws are underway; abundant semi-skilled labour, and low cost of unskilled labour; low levels of corruption and criminality. Initially, companies may perceive the business climate as unpredictable, but, having entered the market, and having learned and adapted to local conditions, companies experience greater predictability. Opportunities in the petroleum sector: Relatively transparent tender system; equal treatment of investors; government experience and capacity; market maturity. Myanmar’s strategic location, with rapidly rising energy demand among hundreds of millions of people in the neighbouring countries and low transportation costs (especially for gas delivery to China, India and Thailand), represents an opportunity to foreign investors. Opportunities in the renewable energy sector: Latecomer advantage; low level of electrification increases cost advantage of off-grid electrification; support from international donors; strong civil society actors are promoting renewable energy development.

  • Handel
  • Asia
  • Energi
  • Handel
  • Asia
  • Energi
14:00 - 17:30
14:00 - 17:30
19. apr. 2017
14:00 - 17:30

Regionale reformer i Russland: Public Management

NUPI har gleda av å invitere til seminar som markerer slutten på prosjektet "Local government budgeting reforms in Russia: Implications and Tensions (BUDRUS)”.

Solcellepark i Rwanda, i form av det afrikanske kontinentet
2016 - 2017 (Avsluttet)

Renewable Energy and Geopolitics

Dette prosjektet undersøker de geopolitiske konsekvensene av den omfattende overgangen til fornybar energi, både med tanke på utfasing av gamle energikilder og geopoligiske mønstre og systemer, og fre...

  • Security policy
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Development policy
  • Conflict
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Security policy
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Development policy
  • Conflict
  • Climate
  • Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Integration: Who Needs Barriers

Integration: Who Needs Barriers

Vitenskapelig artikkel

Playing PPP Catch-Up

Myanmar is lagging behind the other ASEAN member states, and its development needs are enormous. PPPs are relatively new to Myanmar. The country can benefit from PPPs for both hard and soft infrastructure. A major advantage of implementing large-scale public-private sector projects is the mutual learning process that is essential for the emergence of strong institutions that are necessary to implement PPPs successfully in Myanmar.

A large dock in Singapore full of shipping containers
2013 - 2016 (Avsluttet)

Trade Integration, Geopolitics and the Economy of Russia (TIGER)

Prosjektet analyserte hvordan handelsintegrasjon er koblet til geografi, geopolitikk og Russlands dreining mot Asia....

  • International economics
  • Trade
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Asia
  • South and Central America
  • Energy
  • Governance
  • International economics
  • Trade
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Asia
  • South and Central America
  • Energy
  • Governance
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Public Administration Reform and Its Implications for Foreign Petroleum Companies in Kazakhstan

  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Energi
  • Styring
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Energi
  • Styring
Medlemmene i OSSE-parlamentet står utenfor OSSE-akademitet i Bishkek, 2022
2019 - 2023 (Pågående)

Samarbeid mellom OSSE-akademiet og NUPI

Prosjektet innebærer en rekke aktiviteter, inkludert kapasitetsbygging for å styrke OSSE-akademiet som et regionalt møtested for forskning og undervisning, støtte til to masterprogrammer og forsknings...

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
  • Governance
  • International organizations

Russia in WTO: Does it Make a Change?

91 - 100 av 117 oppføringer