Pernille Rieker
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Pernille Riekers forskningsinteresser er europeisk integrasjon (EU) og europeisk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk, inkludert fransk og de nordiske lands utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk. I tillegg har hun arbeidet med dialog og konfliktforebygging mer generelt. Hun har en doktorgrad (dr.polit) fra 2004 (Universitetet i Oslo). På NUPI er Rieker del av Forskningsgruppen for sikkerhet og forsvar (SecDef). Hun er koordinator for NUPIs Senter for Europastudier (NSE) og medredaktør for tidsskriftet Internasjonal Politikk.
Bøker: Franske tilstander: Forstå det moderne Frankrike? (Universitetsforlaget 2024); European Actorness in a Shifting Geopolitical Order. European Strategic Autonomy Through Differentiated Integration (Palgrave 2024); French Foreign Policy in a Changing World. Practising Grandeur (Palgrave 2017); External governance as security community building – the limits and potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy (Routledge 2016); Dialogue and Conflict resolution. Potential and limits (Routledge 2015) og Europeanization of National Security Identity. The EU and the changing security identities of the Nordic states (Routledge 2006).
Artikler: Making Sense of the European Side of the Transatlantic Security Relations in Africa (Politics & Governance, 2022); 'Not so unique after all? Urgency and Norms in EU foreign and security policy' (Journal of European Integration, 2021); 'Differentiated integration and Europe's Global Role: A Conceptual Framework' (European Foreign Affairs Review, Special Issue, 2021); 'Differentiated Defence Integration Under French Leadership' (European Foreign Affairs Review, Special Issue, 2021); 'Plugging the capability-expectations gap: towards effective, comprehensive and conflict-sensitive EU crisis response?' (European Security nr. 1, 2019); 'Spin-off av EØS? Norge og europeisk utenriks-, sikkerhets- og forsvarssamarbeid' (Internasjonal Politikk 77(4), 2019); 'EU-supported reforms in the EU neighbourhood as organized anarchies: the case of post-Maidan Ukraine' (Journal of European Integration nr. 4, 2018); 'Autonomy and Integration? Small-state responses to a changing European security landscape' (Global Affairs nr. 3, 2017); 'The EU, Russia and the potential for dialogue – Different readings of the crisis in Ukraine' (European Security nr. 3, 2016) og 'The EEA Grant. A source of Soft Power?' (Journal of European Integration nr. 4, 2015).
Mer informasjon om hennes øvrige arbeider finnes i hennes fullstendige CV eller på prosjektsidene.
Pågående forskning:
Pernille Rieker leder prosjektet RE-ENGAGE, som skal se på hvordan EU kan styrke sin utenrikspolitiske verktøykasse, inkludert utvidelses- og naboskapspolitikken - for å styrke unionens geopolitiske innflytelse og være bedre rustet til å fremme demokrati i sitt nabolag.
Innenfor rammen av Norge og EU mot 2030 ser Rieker nærmere på utviklingen av EU som sikkerhetspolitisk aktør og implikasjoner for Norge.
I ADHOCISM prosjektet ser hun nærmere på Frankrikes militære rolle i Mali.
2004 Dr. polit, Institutt for statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo. Avhandling: Europeanisation of Nordic security
1998 Can. polit, Institutt for statsvitenskap, University of Oslo. Avhandling: Fransk NATO-politikk i 1990-årene. Kontinuitet eller endring?
2017- Forsker I, NUPI
2011-2017 Seniorforsker, NUPI
2009-2011 Seniorrådgiver, NordForsk
1999-2009 Doktorgradsstipendat/seniorforsker/avdelingsleder, NUPI
Tøm alle filtreThe Europeanisation of Norway's Security Identity
In this working paper Pernille Rieker looks into the relationship between the European integration process and changes in Norway’s national security identity. Has the dominant national discourse on security changed since the early 1990s? If so, how are these changes related to the recent acceleration of the European integration process? And to what extent are such European influences on national security identities related to formal membership in the EU? While there is reason to believe that a Europeanisation of national security policies has taken place, the question is whether we may speak of a profound change in identity, or merely an instrumental adaptation to external changes. Several researchers have studied the influence of this participation on national institutions and policies; less attention, however, has been given to the Europeanisation of Norway’s security identity. This paper is an attempt to fill this gap.
Security, integration and identity change
In this working paper Pernille Rieker attempts to contribute to a better understanding of both how the EU functions as a security system and what kind of impact the integration process has on national security identities. While security has always been the main reason behind the integration process, security and integration have usually been studied separately. Integration specialists have given more attention to economy than to security, and security experts have studied traditional security institutions and overlooked the EU. Rieker attempts to combine these two theoretical traditions by drawing on a combination of recent work on security communities and international socialisation. While the development in the Nordic countries will be used as brief examples in the final part of the paper, a more detailed analysis of these countries’ security identities will follow in a forthcoming study.