Diplomacy and the Making of World Politics, Introduction
Skrevet av
Ole Jacob Sending
Forsker 1, leder for Senter for Geopolitikk
Iver B. Neumann
Tidligere ansatt
Vincent Pouliot
In this Introduction, we accomplish two main goals. First, we provide theoretical tools to better grasp the role and character of diplomacy and how it may be changing in the contemporary era. We develop a relational framework focused on two dimensions: the evolving configurations of state and non-state actors and the competing authority claims that underpin diplomatic practices on the world stage. Second, we begin to theorize the ways in which diplomacy makes and remakes world politics. The remainder of the book offers rich case studies to empirically substantiate our broad argument about the constitution of world politics in practice. In this Introduction, our more limited objective is to explain the significance of our argument for key debates in international relations (IR).
- Published year: 2015
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Page count: 379
- Language: Engelsk
- Pages: 1 - 31
Skrevet av
Ole Jacob Sending
Forsker 1, leder for Senter for Geopolitikk
Iver B. Neumann
Tidligere ansatt
Vincent Pouliot