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Lars Gjesvik


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Lars Gjesvik er seniorforsker i Forskningsgruppen for sikkerhet og forsvar, og medleder for NUPIs forskningssenter for digitalisering og cybersikkerhet.

Hovedtemaene i hans forskning har vært samspillet mellom private selskaper og statlige interesser, sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringer, og maktpolitiske spørsmål rundt digitalisering og framvoksende teknologier.

Hans doktorgrad fra Universitet i Oslo (2023) ser på samspillet mellom private selskaper og statlige interesser i det digitale rom, og rollen teknologiselskaper spiller i å sette rammene for internasjonal politikk.

Publikasjoner og ekspertise dekker spørsmål om den globale overvåkningsindustrien, digital infrastruktur som undersjøiske internettkabler og skytjenester, cybersikkerhet, og teknologiavhengighet. Tidligere arbeid har adressert nasjonale tilnærminger og offentlig-privat samarbeid innenfor cybersikkerhet, og desinformasjon og påvirkningskampanjer.


  • Cyber



Norway’s strategic dependencies in global supply chain networks

Economic interdependence and global supply chains are being investigated anew. For a long time, a belief in the ability of growing economic ties to foster cooperation, dampen conflict, and enhance prosperity was predominant in academic and political thinking alike. However, these assumptions have recently proven to be half-truths at best. Rather than dampen conflict, the asymmetries of global supply chains have turned them into coercive tools for the powerful to wield against the powerless. Through sanctions and export controls, states controlling vital chokepoints in global economic networks can cause harm in targeted states, and through controlling the nodes of information highways, intelligence agencies can gain access to sensitive information by leveraging the key position of their domestic companies. For states with small, open economies, this development poses a thorny problem: the toolbox for realigning global supply chains is limited, but reliance on supply chains beyond national control is extensive. The problem is not limited to being in a position of dependence, however. For smaller states, being in control over global assets, or being a key provider of a product or resource others depend on can be a double-edged sword. As economic coercion becomes more widely deployed, the impetus for protecting and securing assets increases, and the risk that they might drag smaller states into geopolitical contests grows. Addressing these concerns, it is vital to develop tools, frameworks, and methodologies for assessing supply chains from a national perspective, with a focus on how economic interdependence might introduce geopolitical risks. Against this background, this report builds on recent theoretical and methodological developments for analyzing global supply chains in light of their potential for geopolitical weaponization. More precisely, it will study Norway’s position in global value chains by combining recent methodological developments on the network analysis of supply chains and recent analysis of country-level aggregated analysis of supply dependencies. This allows for a study of supply chains as networks of economic relations, in which the position of different national economies contains both strategic capacities, or assets, by being central suppliers on which other countries depend, and vulnerabilities, by depending heavily on other countries. The report thus uses network analysis to identify Norway’s positions and their related strategic vulnerabilities and assets. Link to the Annex for this report: https://www.nupi.no/publications/cristin-pub/annex-to-the-report-norway-s-strategic-dependencies-in-global-supply-chain-networks

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Handel
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Globalisering
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  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Økonomisk vekst
  • Handel
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Globalisering
Hacker telefonen din fra tusenvis av mil unna – uten at du merker det

Hacker telefonen din fra tusenvis av mil unna – uten at du merker det

Teknologi som kan overvåke telefonen din kan forhindre terrorisme og kriminalitet. Men hva skjer når teknologien som i utgangspunktet skulle bidra...

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Cyber
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Cyber
Policy brief

A more strategic European Union in a more contested space

Space is becoming an increasingly important domain for societies and politics alike, also from a geopolitical and hence security and defence perspective. The EU is a key actor in space, but its approach to space is changing in a more uncertain and contested geopolitical environment. While still focused largely on the civilian aspects of space, the EU has developed a more strategic approach towards space, increasingly using the domain also for security and defence, including military, purposes. As the EU develops quickly in a more challenging and uncertain environment, Norway needs to understand EU developments and their implications at an early stage, and work to secure participation where interests align.

  • EU
  • EU
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Digital Supply Chain Dependency and Resilience

Mens en voksende mengde litteratur tar for seg hvordan stater i økende grad søker å sikre sine digitale områder og begrense avhengigheter, har det blitt viet mindre oppmerksomhet til hvordan digital infrastruktur påvirker deres evne til å gjøre dette. Denne artikkelen presenterer en ny tilnærming til å studere cybersikkerhet og digitale avhengigheter, med fokus på hvordan private selskaper påvirker staters evne til å sikre kritiske tjenester. I denne artikkelen analyserer vi digitale forsyningskjeder for å undersøke de tekniske tverrgående tjenestene, infrastrukturene og lokasjonene som populære mobilapplikasjoner er avhengige av. Vi argumenterer for at disse avhengighetene har ulike effekter på motstandskraften til digitale teknologier på nasjonalt nivå, men at det å håndtere disse avhengighetene krever ulike og til tider motstridende tiltak. For å studere dette fenomenet utvikler vi en metodikk for å utforske dette empirisk ved å spore og undersøke de spredte og ofte implisitte avhengighetene i populære mobilapplikasjoner. For å analysere disse avhengighetene registrerer vi rå datatrafikkstrømmer for så å geolokalisere de ulike avhengighetene til utvalgte applikasjoner sett fra Oslo, Barcelona, Paris, Zagreb, Mexico By og Dublin.

  • Cyber
  • Cyber

Skal forske på venner i Arktis

Kristin Haugevik og kollegaene kan glede seg over at deres prosjekt vant gjennom hos Norges forskningsråd. Nå kan folk vente seg innblikk i hva som skiller de allierte i Arktis.
  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Cyber
  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Arktis
  • Konflikt
  • Klima
  • Hav
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner

Hva er det vi egentlig løser ved å slette TikTok?

Hvilke apper må Nasjonal sikkerhetsmyndighet vurdere i neste runde?

  • Cyber
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  • Cyber

Internet governance and the UN in a multiplex world order era?

Over the last two decades Internet Governance (IG) has emerged as an increasingly complex and fraught field of policymaking involving both states and non-state actors on a multitude of arenas. Facing this complex field, the role of the United Nations (UN) in IG has been both varying and contested. While the UN has been discussing issues related to IG since the 1990s, disagreements on both substantive issues and where discussions ought to take place have intermittently resurfaced and remained relevant, but recent processes and challenges to the status quo asks questions about the direction going forward. In the UN, recently established processes aims to revamp the approach to IG, while the negotiations over a cybercrime convention, and the 2022 ITU plenipotentiary have made the long running contests between western and authoritarian states over this topic more visible. Broader trends and rising tensions globally raises questions not only about the future for the global nature of IG and the role of the UN in this, but also whether decoupling and alliances with like-minded states might become more dominant than global multilateral and multi-stakeholder channels, i.e a trend pointing towards a multiplex field of internet governance.1

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2023 - 2027 (Pågående)

The EU Navigating Multilateral Cooperation (NAVIGATOR)

Hvordan endrer globalt samarbeid seg i en periode med store forandringer, og hva betyr dette for EU?...

  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Cyber
  • Globalisation
  • Regional integration
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • North America
  • Peace operations
  • Migration
  • Climate
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • United Nations
  • AU
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Cyber
  • Globalisation
  • Regional integration
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • North America
  • Peace operations
  • Migration
  • Climate
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • United Nations
  • AU
Policy brief

The subsea cable cut at Svalbard January 2022: What happened, what were the consequences, and how were they managed?

Svalbard is, like most other societies, largely dependent on an internet connection. The fiber connection on Svalbard consists of two separate subsea cables that connect Longyearbyen to the mainland. In some areas the cables were buried about two meters below the seabed, especially in areas where fishing is done, to “protect against destruction of the fishing fleet’s bottom trawling or anchoring of ships. (New version uploaded 18 January 2023)

  • Norden
  • Energi
  • Hav
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  • Norden
  • Energi
  • Hav
Policy brief

Loss of Tonga’s telecommunication – what happened, how was it managed and what were the consequences?

In January 2022 the subsea volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai in Tonga had a major eruption which also cut the country’s communication lines nationally, between Tonga’s inhabited islands and the outside world. The damage led to a complete halt in international communication (a “digital darkness”) which meant that, in the period immediately after the outbreak, not much was known about the extent of the damage in Tonga. Due to very limited access to contact with both the authorities and the population of Tonga, it was only during overflights carried out by the Australian and New Zealand air forces that one could begin to map the extent of the damage and the need for assistance.

  • Oseania
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Hav
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  • Oseania
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Hav
11 - 20 av 57 oppføringer