Kristin Fjæstad
Kontaktinfo og filer
Kristin Fjæstad er seniorforsker og leder for Forskningsgruppen for Russland, Asia og internasjonal handel ved NUPI.
Fra august 2020 har Fjæstad en post-dok på LORAX-prosjektet. Her vil hun jobbe med casestudiet av Kaspihavet og studere hvordan og av hvem Kaspihavet blir definert som et regionalt økosystem.
Fjæstad har doktorgrad i internasjonale relasjoner fra Universitet i St Andrews (2020). Doktorgraden studerer Kasakhstans overgang fra mottaker til giver av utviklingshjelp og bistand, og diskuterer hvordan identitetsbygging er en viktig del av bistandspolitikken for Kasakhstan.
Fjæstads forskningsinteresser er global utvikling og bistand som utenrikspolitikk, samt identitetsbygging, utenrikspolitikk og statsdannelse i det tidligere Sovjetunionen, særlig i Sentral-Asia.
2020 PhD, International Relations, University of St Andrews
2010 Mastergrad i utviklingsstudier, School of Oriental and African Studies, London
2008 Bachelor i økonomi, Universitetet i Oslo
2020- Gruppeleder, RAIT
2020- Seniorforsker, NUPI
2013-2020 Forsker/doktorgradsstudent, NUPI
2011-2013 Vitenskapelig assistent, NUPI
2011 Lærer og forsker, OSSE-akademiet i Bisjkek
2010-2011 Internship/mediekonsulent, International Media Support (IMS), Danmark
2008 Praktikant, Norges ambassade i Baku, Aserbajdsjan
Tøm alle filtreRussian Public Opinion and the Confrontation with the West
What do most Russians think about President Putin, the policies of the Kremlin and the West? Is Russia on the right track? How do Russians view the future? President Vladimir Putin has, since he was elected in 2000, scored high in public opinion polls. After the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 the polls reached new heights with support from nearly 90 % of the population. However, after the announcement of a comprehensive pension reform in summer 2018, the support decreased. In this working paper, Lev Gudkov provides an overview of how the Russians see the West, Ukraine and the politics of the Kremlin, and how the public opinion on these issues have changed over time. The working paper is based on the regular public opinion polls carried out by the Levada Centre since 2003.
The Lorax Project: Understanding Ecosystemic Politics (LORAX)
Deler regional politikk rundt økosystemer som krysser landegrenser viktige likheter? Og er det spesielle trekk som skiller denne regionale politikken fra global politikk?...
The Russian political system in transition: Scenarios for power transfer
In the aftermath of the March 2018 presidential elections, the Russian political system is preparing for – indeed, already entering – the next phase of its development: the transition of power. This inevitable, but still unmentionable, transition is the topic of topics in the minds of Russia’s political elites, and is made all the more pertinent by the fact that the acting members of the decision-making class cannot discuss it openly. What is the constitutional framework around this political situation? Is there indeed a problem of succession, or, more broadly, of stability in the transition of power? What lessons could be drawn from other political regimes that resemble the Russian system? What are the possible scenarios for the transition of power? What are the positive and negative sides, feasibility and possible consequences of these scenarios? These are the questions this working paper seeks to address.
Samarbeid mellom OSSE-akademiet og NUPI
Prosjektet innebærer en rekke aktiviteter, inkludert kapasitetsbygging for å styrke OSSE-akademiet som et regionalt møtested for forskning og undervisning, støtte til to masterprogrammer og forsknings...
Performing statehood: Afghanistan as an arena for Central Asian states
Norway and Central Asia
This policy brief provides an overview of relations between Central Asia and Norway, and is part of the EU-CAM National Policies Series.