Kari M. Osland
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Kari Margrethe Osland (PhD) direktør ved NUPI.
Oslands arbeid har fokusert overveiende på konfliktdynamikk, opprør, fredsoperasjoner og fredsbygging. Osland skrev doktorgrad om internasjonal bistand til politireform i land etter konflikt, og sammenlignet Afghanistan, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo, Serbia og Sør-Sudan.
Hun skrev sin MPhil om folkemord og brukte Københavnerskolens sikkerhetiseringsteori på Rwanda og Bosnia-Hercegovina. Hun har utført konsulentoppdrag for FN, Utenriksdepartementet og for Politidirektoratet, særlig innen internasjonal politiarbeid og reform av sikkerhetssektoren. Hun har feltarbeidserfaring fra Balkan (30+), Afghanistan (2) og en rekke afrikanske land (Niger, Sør-Sudan, Sudan).
2014 PhD i statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo
2000 Cand. polit., (statsvitenskap og sosialantropologi), Universitetet i Bergen
2023- Direktør, NUPI
2014-2023 Seniorforsker, NUPI
2014-2020 Leder for Forskningsgruppen for fred, konflikt og utvikling, NUPI
2008-2014 Doktorgradsstipendiat (inkl. 33 mnd. foreldrepermisjon)
2004-2008 Forsker ved FN-programmet, NUPI
2001-2002 Koordinator for den nordiske forskningsgruppen for fredsoperasjoner
2000-2004 Forsker og leder for FN-programmet, NUPI
1998-2000 Programkoordinator og vitenskaplig assistant for FN-programmet, NUPI
Tøm alle filtreUtfordringar og moglegheiter for FN frå 2017
FN har ny generalsekretær, og kommande president Donald Trump inntar straks Det kvite hus. Verda er vitne til ei rekkje store konfliktar. I kva retning bør FN bevege seg framover?
SGBV Capacity-building in Peace Operations: Specialized Police Teams
This Policy Brief examines the Norwegian-led specialized police team (SPT) deployed to MINUSTAH, focusing on building Haitian police capacity to investigate sexual and genderbased violence (SGBV)
Between self-interest and solidarity: Norway’s return to UN Peacekeeping?
Norway has been a firm supporter of, and contributor to, UN peacekeeping operations. However, while increasing its financial support since the end of the Cold War, Norway has significantly downscaled its troop contributions to the UN, focusing on NATO operations. Rather than interpreting this as lessened interest in the UN, we point out that support and commitment cannot be measured solely in numbers of troops deployed. Norway’s commitment to UN peacekeeping should be understood as part of its strategic culture, here read as a synthesis between self-interest and solidarity, and between the UN and NATO. This article details the institutional, political and material challenges and opportunities for renewed engagement in UN peacekeeping.
MINUSTAH’s Specialized Police Team to Combat Sexual Violence in Haiti
This paper examines the Norwegian specialized police team (SPT) that has been deployed to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) since late 2010. The objective of the team is to build the capacity of the Haitian National Police (HNP) to conduct investigations into sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).
Synthesis Report: Reviewing UN Peace Operations, the UN Peacebuilding Architecture and the Implementation of UNSCR 1325
In 2015, three reviews in the field of Peace and Security were undertaken: the UN peace operations review, the review of the UN Peace building Architecture and the review of the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325. These reviews reflect the acknowledgement that the changing dynamics of conflict in the world necessitates a revision of the UN’s tools in order for the organisation to maintain its relevance and ability to meet these challenges. This report presents the key recommendations as well as common themes across the reviews. The common themes are: the changing nature of conflict; the importance of the women, peace and security agenda for the UN’s work;the primacy of prevention and the need for a long-term focus; the necessity to shift towards people-centred, inclusive processes; the primacy of politics; the need for field focus and context awareness; the privileging of the military response to violent conflict is counterproductive; partnership with other actorsis important; leadership and professionalisation of the UN is needed; and a call for stronger UN system coherence. It ends by offering some recommendations to the current and next UN Secretary General.
Kursendring i FN?
Som følge av terrorangrepene i Sinai, Beirut, Paris og Bamako, vedtok FNs sikkerhetsråd den 20. november en resolusjon som oppfordret medlemslandene til å delta i kampen mot ISIL. Representerer resolusjonen et skifte av fokus for FN?
FN 70 år: Fred og sikkerhet
Dette seminaret fokuserer på fred og tryggleik, og utforskar dei tre nylege evalueringsprosessane på feltet: evalueringa av fredsoperasjonar, fredbyggingsarkitektur og implementaringen av FNs tryggingsrådsresolusjon 1325.
Utfordringer for FNs fredsoperasjon i Sør-Sudan
NUPI har gleda av å ønskje velkommen til eit ope seminar om utfordringane i Sør-Sudan: