Developmentality. An Ethnography of the World Bank-Uganda Partnership
Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork within the World Bank and a Ugandan ministry, this book critically examines how the new aid architecture recasts aid relations as a partnership. While intended to alter an asymmetrical relationship by fostering greater recipient participation and ownership, this book demonstrates how donors still seek to retain control through other indirect and informal means. The concept of developmentality shows how the World Bank’s ability to steer a client’s behavior is disguised by the underlying ideas of partnership, ownership, and participation, which come with other instruments through which the Bank manipulates the aid recipient into aligning with its own policies and practices.
Militærmaktseminaret 2015: Maktbruk i FNs fredsoperasjonar
Militærmaktseminaret 2015 er no fullbooket. For å stå på venteliste, bruk knappen over.
En diplomatisert verden
Diplomati er ikke lenger forbeholdt stater – nå tilbyr til og med konsulentselskaper tjenester for å skape fred og forsoning. Teorien bak diplomatiet blir stadig viktigere, mener bokaktuelle NUPI-forskere.
Putins historieskriving
Kremls forhold til fortiden er mer sammensatt enn vi gjerne tror. Heller enn ensidig å dyrke den sovjetiske fortiden, har Putins Kreml forsøkt å forene ulike historiesyn for å minske splittelsen i det russiske samfunnet.
Between doctrine and practice: The United Nations peacekeeping dilemma
To look or not to look to Norway? Brexit and the tales of Norwegian outsidership