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Naturressurser og klima

Hva er de sentrale spørsmålene knyttet til naturressurser og klima?

Singapore: How to Attract More Investment in Renewable Energy?

Singapore has limited renewable energy potential due to its small surface area and the limited space available. Solar power has the greatest potential. Given the country’s limited spare land, rooftops and vertical spaces on high-rise buildings are of particular importance. Singapore set a target of producing solar energy to cover 350,000 households in 2030 that would be equivalent to 4% of the country’s current electricity demand. In 2019, solar energy accounted for less than 1% of Singapore’s total energy mix. We propose four actions to improve the investment climate for renewable energy in Singapore: develop incentive and regulatory support mechanism; consolidate solar energy governance; mobilise equity investors and lenders; specialise in the long-distance trade of renewable energy, especially in the form of hydrogen.

  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring

The Philippines: How to Leapfrog from a Complicated Renewable Energy Sector to an Attractive One

The Philippines set the target of increasing the share of renewable energy in its energy mix from 16.9% in 2019 to 26.9% by 2030. This ambitious target requires significant additional investment in renewable energy. It has been estimated that the Philippines could attract USD 20 billion in renewable energy investment through auctions between 2020 and 2030. To achieve this, the investment climate for renewables needs to be improved. Over the last few years, other ASEAN countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand have been viewed as more attractive markets by foreign investors. We propose five actions that can improve the attractiveness of Philippines’ investment climate for renewable energy and help it join the regional race for investment: prioritise renewables in the energy governance system; enforce existing regulatory and fiscal policies; raise the targets and develop an investment roadmap; facilitate market entry for renewable energy investors; build capacity for renewable energy governance.

  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Doubling Down on Arctic Diplomacy

The Arctic looms large in the popular consciousness as a potential new theatre of conflict. But the real risk is that the consuming politics of great power rivalry will deflect attention from the real progress of diplomacy and the everyday work of Arctic governance. This op-ed outlines three key areas that merit greater diplomatic attention and could pay dividends in reducing the impact of great power competition on the rapidly changing Arctic.

  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Arktis
  • Hav
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Arktis
  • Hav

Sjømatnæringen og Europa. EØS og alternativene

Boken analyserer betydningen av EØS for sjømatnæringen og konsekvensene dersom EØS blir erstattet av EU-medlemskap eller en annen form for handelsavtale: NOREXIT. Dette belyses på områder av særlig betydning for sjømatnæringen, som toll, veterinær- og grensekontroll; utenlandsk arbeidskraft i foredlingsindustrien; fangstkvoter etter Brexit og utenlandsinvesteringer. I tillegg inneholder boken utdypende kapitler om EØS-avtalen, forhandlingshistorien med EU og EØS-jussen. Boken er resultat av et tverrfaglig prosjekt med vekt på økonomi og statsvitenskap. Bidragene er skrevet av framstående eksperter fra norske universiteter og forskningsinstitusjoner. Boken har ingen politisk agenda for å avskaffe EØS til fordel for bestemte alternativer; den er et fagfellevurdert akademisk bidrag til økt kunnskap om EØS og alternativene.

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Handel
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Regional integrasjon
  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Migrasjon
  • Hav
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • EU
  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Handel
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Regional integrasjon
  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Migrasjon
  • Hav
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • EU

Myanmar: How to Become an Attractive Destination for Renewable Energy Investment?

Myanmar is endowed with abundant renewable energy resources, and its solar potential is the greatest in the Greater Mekong Subregion – yet, this potential remains largely untapped. The country’s 50% electrification rate remains the lowest in ASEAN, and the government plans to electrify the entire country by 2030. The share of renewable energy in the energy mix is expected to rise from less than 1% in 2020 to 12% in 2025. In addition to expanding electricity access, renewable energy could also stimulate much-needed employment and economic growth in Myanmar. We propose five actions that can improve the investment climate in Myanmar for renewable energy investment: strengthen renewable energy governance; join IRENA and intensify capacity building; adopt a feed-in tariff or auction mechanism; build a regulatory framework for renewable energy; simplify the business environment for investors.

  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring

Malaysia: How to Scale Up Investment in Renewable Energy

Malaysia set a target of 20% renewables in the energy mix by 2025, an 18% increase from the 2% it had in 2018. One of the planned measures is the development of large-scale solar power. To reach the target, it will be necessary to attract a total of USD 8 billion of renewable energy investment during this period. Considering the fact that Malaysia attracted only USD 2.5 billion from 2006 to 2018, the country will need to attract USD 1.3 billion on average every year from 2019. To achieve this, it will need to undertake serious reform measures to improve the investment climate for renewables and conditions for renewable energy deployment. Given the ever-increasing global competition for renewable energy investment, the rapid implementation of such reforms becomes an imperative. This in turn requires strong governance. We propose five actions that can improve the attractiveness of Malaysia’s investment climate for renewable energy to 2025 and beyond: reform energy governance in favour of renewable energy; ensure streamlined management of the regulatory framework for renewable energy; develop a framework for easier grid connection and use; enhance awareness-raising measures for investors; make market entry easy and attractive.

  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring

Slik påvirker covid-19 overgangen til fornybar energi

Du flyr mindre. Du sykler kanskje mer. Du er mer hjemme, også når du er på jobb. I en ny artikkel forklarer en rekke anerkjente energieksperter hvordan koronapandemien kan komme til å endre verdens energilandskap. 

  • Pandemier
  • Klima
  • Energi

Lao PDR: How to Attract More Investment in Small-Scale Renewable Energy?

Lao PDR adopted the Renewable Energy Development Strategy in 2011 and set a target of 30% small-scale renewables in the energy mix by 2025. The country relies heavily on large hydropower in electricity production and is an attractive investment destination for hydropower. At the same time, Lao PDR has also significant small-scale hydro and solar power potential. We propose five actions that can improve the investment climate in Lao PDR for small-scale hydropower, solar and wind energy: establish an autonomous government agency for renewables; join IRENA and build capacity for renewable energy governance; adopt a feed-in tariff and build a robust regulatory framework; develop a roadmap for small-scale renewable energy; facilitate market entry for investors.

  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring

Indonesia: How to Boost Investment in Renewable Energy

Indonesia, the largest country in Southeast Asia, has considerable renewable energy potential. However, this potential remains largely underexploited. Fossil fuel subsidies are a major obstacle to the deployment of renewable energy on a large scale. Investment in renewable energy is limited compared to some regional peers. For instance, Vietnam attracted USD 5.2 billion of investment in renewables in 2018, while Indonesia drew only USD 0.8 billion. We propose six actions that could help Indonesia accelerate the expansion of renewables: remove subsidies for fossil fuels; establish a ministry of renewable energy; prioritise renewables in the regulatory framework; improve and streamline grid management; mobilise domestic banks to support renewable energy; prioritise market entry for investors.

  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring

Cambodia: Five Actions to Improve the Business Climate for Renewable Energy Investment

Cambodia has not attracted significant investment in renewable energy until mid-2020 and, unlike other ASEAN countries, has not set exact renewable energy targets. Despite this, the country is viewed as a model to learn from for other ASEAN countries implementing solar power auctions. In order to keep up this momentum and attract more investment, Cambodia needs to address a number of persistent gaps in its investment climate. We propose five actions that may have strong immediate benefits and make Cambodia’s business climate for renewable energy more attractive: prioritise renewables in the energy governance system; request support from IRENA for capacity building; adopt targets and develop a regulatory framework; enhance project bankability; improve market entry for foreign investors.

  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
  • Internasjonale investeringer
  • Asia
  • Klima
  • Energi
  • Styring
251 - 260 av 593 oppføringer