New study shows 95% South Sudanese depend on climate sensitive livelihood
The collaborative project undertaken by the Norwegian institute of international affairs, is aimed at achieving UN climate agenda. The institute has been conducting its research for close to ten years and it will complete its mandate in 2023. Lead researcher on the South Sudan fact sheet, Dr Andrew E. Yaw Tchie says they have identified livelihood decline, migration and mobility, military and armed actors and political and economic exploitation as pathways negatively affecting climate, Peace and Security.
Red Arctic? Affective Geopolitics and the 2007 Russian Flag-planting Incident in the Central Arctic Ocean
This chapter discusses visual representation and Arctic geopolitics, exploring how the image of the flag planted on the Arctic seabed by Russia has persisted as a core visual image of Arctic politics. Using Google Image Search, we compare the pervasiveness of this image with a small selectin of potential image-events of the Arctic, representing different storylines of Arctic politics, and find that they remain comparatively marginal. The chapter considers why the flag-planting image remains so central to Arctic geopolitics by briefly discussion reception and re-use of the flag-planting image in Canada, Russia and the United States.
A Governance and Risk Inventory for a Changing Arctic
Elana Wilson Rowe, Ulf Sverdrup, Karsten Friis, Geir Hønneland og Mike Sfraga advarer i dette kapitlet mot å anse konflikt- og samarbeidstrender i Arktis som binære termer. Mens USA og Europa bestemt vil konfrontere ondsinnet aktivitet i regionen, fortsetter alle parter med å ‘vise forpliktelse til samarbeid og felles løsninger på felles utfordringer’. I dette kapitlet går forfatterne gjennom faktorer og drivere som støtter og utfordrer stabiliteten i Arktis. De minner om at ‘samarbeid i konflikt’ lenge har vært normen i regionen, noe som har gjort det mulig for samarbeidsstyring å utvikle seg trass militær rivalisering mellom NATO og Russland. Å fokusere på ‘narrativer eller praksiser rundt strategisk konkurranse alene’ er lite hensiktsmessig for pågående dialog i regionen, noe som er essensielt for å ta opp regionale og globale implikasjoner av klimaendringer. Forfatterne oppfordrer policymakere til å være mer proaktive i hvordan de tar opp fremvoksende styringsutfordringer knyttet til utfordringer innen sikkerhet og økonomisk utvikling, for å unngå ‘politiske vippepunkter’ som kan gjøre samarbeid vanskeligere.
Omsetting av mandater til policy og praksis: Lærdommer fra operasjonalisering av klimarelatert sikkerhetsrisiko i fredsoperasjoner
IPI, NUPI og SIPRI arrangerte et webinar om klimarelaterte sikkerhetsutfordringer.
Climate, Peace and Security: The case of South Sudan
The consequences of climate change can worsen South Sudan’s humanitarian crises and fragile security environment, marked by widespread communal conflict and a civil war since 2013. With a population estimated at 11 million, more than 1.6 million people have been internally displaced due to prolonged conflict.
Climate Change and Security in the Arctic
A new report by the Center for Climate and Security (CCS), an Institute of the Council on Strategic Risks (CSR), together with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), assesses the security risks posed by a warming climate in the Artcic. The analysis looks at two future warming scenarios (curbed and uncurbed) to project security threats alongside potential environmental changes deemed likely in the High North by 2030. The analysis identifies a number of key climate security risks across both warming scenarios, but notes that the risks are more severe and more likely in an “uncurbed” warming scenario. In a “curbed” scenario in which the world takes rapid action to curb climate change, including by transforming energy use, decarbonizing the global economy, and building international institutions to manage climate risks, the Arctic is likely to see fewer opportunities for severe security risks. The report recommends integrating this climate risk analysis into Arctic planning strategies into the coming years, and avoiding the uncurbed warming scenario. Specifically, the analysis highlights five key findings: 1) A warmer and increasingly navigable Arctic will lead to more commercial, civilian, and military activity, rendering the region more prone to accidents and misunderstandings between major players. 2) Increased commercial activity significantly expands the likelihood of states like Russia and China using civilian and commercial actors as vehicles for strategic positioning, dual-use data collection, and for gray zone operations which may escalate to direct confrontation. 3) The institutions that have helped depoliticize and produce stability in the Arctic for several decades may not have sufficient mandates and authorities, or be resilient enough to withstand new demands resulting from climate change. 4) To manage a more complex operating environment in the Arctic, with ever more state and non-state actors, governments will need an integrated toolbox that includes legal, economic, diplomatic, and military instruments. Robust mechanisms for cooperation and communication with civilian and commercial actors will be particularly useful. 5) States are likely to place higher demands on their military forces in the Arctic, particularly as regards to monitoring, assertions of sovereignty, search and rescue, and other Coast Guard duties given higher levels of overall activity in the region. New climatic realities may also reduce the constraints for force projection in the region. At the same time, over-reliance on military approaches in the region could risk escalating conflicts. To build resilience to the above threats, the report recommends that allied Arctic nations begin to advance the elaboration of a “Military Code of Conduct for Arctic Forces,” or other form of renewed dialogue among regional security actors, to address joint security risks.
Hvordan påvirker klimaendringer fred og sikkerhet i Sør-Sudan?
Hvordan påvirker klimaendringer fred og sikkerhet i Sør-Sudan?
The ASEAN climate and energy paradox
Denne artikkelen ser på misforholdet mellom ASEAN-landenes store sårbarhet for klimaendringer og beskjedne innsats for å bekjempe klimaendring.
Referansegruppe for Norges medlemskap i FNs Sikkerhetsråd
Norge er medlem av FNs sikkerhetsråd i 2021 - 2022. I denne møteserien skal forskere og representanter for UD drøfte viktige strategiske temaer i forbindelse med medlemskapet. ...
Why Choose to Cycle in a Low-Income Country?
Forskning om sykling har fokusert på i-land. Denne artikkelen tar for seg sykling i u-land og ser på hva som får folk til å sykle der og hvilke fordeler dette gir.