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Fred, krise og konflikt

Hva er de sentrale spørsmålene knyttet til fred, krise og konflikt?

Sunnism, Salafism, Sheikism: Urban Pathways of Resistance in Sidon, Lebanon

This brief analyses Salafism as an urban phenomenon, with an emphasis on the contentious period following the Syrian uprising turned civil war (2011–present). To understand Salafism’s popular appeal, it is necessary to examine the pathways of resistance in specific urban contexts. In Lebanon, Salafism expanded from its Tripoli centre to secondary towns and cities such as Sidon, where Sheikh Ahmad Assir’s neo-Salafism became a political force and can be classified as a “new social movement”. Neo-Salafism, is not built on religious credentials and authority, but combines populism with sectarianism. This also accounts for its popular appeal, especially after 2011, when the Syrian conflict stoked Sunni-Shia tensions and anti-Hizbollah rhetoric. The erosion of Sunni political pre-eminence (“Sunnism”) and the crises in the Sunni religious (Dar al-Fatwa) and political establishment (Future Movement), prompted a temporary shift from “Harirism” to “Sheikism” that transferred the moral leadership of the Sunni community from the political elite to the lay town preacher; Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir. This also involved a shift in the locus of contentious politics from the capital Beirut to secondary cities such as Sidon and a strategic shift from electoral politics to grassroots’ protests, sit-ins and rallies. Ultimately this led to an armed confrontation that crushed the Assir-movement, eroded its popular support and was followed by an electoral defeat that made political elites reassert control. HYRES – Hybrid Pathways to Resistance in the Islamic World HYRES studies the interaction between Islamist movements and the state in the cases of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya and Mali, and is designed to answer the following question: Why do some Islamist groups pursue their political and religious project within the state to which they belong – while other Islamist groups refuse to accept these borders, seeking instead to establish new polities, such as restoring the Islamic Caliphate?

  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Konflikt
  • Sårbare stater
  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Konflikt
  • Sårbare stater

To engage or not engage? Libyan Salafis and state institutions

At the beginning of the recent escalation of hostilities in Libya in April 2019, one of the key questions posed was what role, if any, quietist Salafis would play. Followers of this trend have grown significantly in influence in recent years, including in the security sphere and government institutions. As a result, their decisions, especially those regarding military engagement, have the potential to have important consequences at the national level. The fact that these “quietist” Salafis in Libya are armed already poses interesting ideological questions. Moreover, the fact that their behaviour during the recent fighting in Tripoliihas been somewhat unpredictable indicates that their ideology of obedience to the sitting ruler requires further interrogation.This research brief looks at the way in which the quietist Salafis have evolved to gain such a strong position in Libya, assessing their behaviour in four distinct periods. It contrasts this behaviour with other Salafi trends in Libya, particularly the political Salafism associated with certain former leaders of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG). It argues that Libyan Salafis have adapted and renegotiated ideologies in the changing political context after 2011. More than pure ideology, the way in which they have responded to the constraints and opportunities created by this context has been the key factor in the evolution of the different groups and ultimately their fortunes.

  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Afrika
  • Konflikt
  • Sårbare stater
  • Opprørsgrupper
  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Afrika
  • Konflikt
  • Sårbare stater
  • Opprørsgrupper

Should I stay or should I go? Security considerations for members leaving al-Shabaab in Somalia

Den militante islamistiske organisasjonen al-Shabaab utgjør en trussel både i og utenfor Somalia. I januar i år utførte gruppen igjen et stor-skala terrorangrep i nabolandet Kenya. Mange unge medlemmer av al-Shabaab ønsker å forlate gruppen, men i en kontekst som Somalia, med store sikkerhetsutfordringer, er dette vanskelig. I denne policy briefen argumenterer Ingvild Magnæs Gjelsvik for at et gjennomgående fokus på sikkerhet og sikkerhetstiltak på ulike nivåer er avgjørende for å kunne lykkes med initiativer og programmer som har som formål å bistå og legge til rette for en utvei fra ekstreme miljøer under en pågående konflikt.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Afrika
  • Sårbare stater
  • Nasjonsbygging
  • Opprørsgrupper
  • AU
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Afrika
  • Sårbare stater
  • Nasjonsbygging
  • Opprørsgrupper
  • AU
Hvor hender det?
Hvorfor klarer ikke Storbritannia å melde seg ut av EU?
  • International economics
  • Trade
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Nationalism
  • International organizations
  • The EU
Hvor hender det?
Hvorfor klarer ikke Storbritannia å melde seg ut av EU?
  • International economics
  • Trade
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Nationalism
  • International organizations
  • The EU

The Politics of Stability: Cement and Change in Cyber Affairs

In November 2018, the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace, inaugurated one year earlier ‘to develop proposals for norms and policies to enhance international security and stability and guide responsible state and non-state behavior in cyberspace’, launched six norms pointing ‘the way to new opportunities for increasing the stability of cyberspace’. However, the Commission has not examined or explained the very concept it was established to explore. Quite the contrary, the Commission argues that its proposed norms will be used to define what cyber stability actually is. Focusing on the interrelationship between international peace and stability, and ways of achieving both in the context of ICTs, the authors will offer a model of stability of cyberspace. They begin by examining the concepts of ‘stability’ and ‘strategic stability’ as understood with regard to international security. This conceptual analysis is followed by a presentation of the political claims of stability expressed in national and international cyber-and information-security discourses. Drawing on the conceptual approaches and the political claims, the report then model the stability of cyberspace in three interlinked and reinforcing dimensions: 1) equal and inclusive international relations; 2) prevention of war: the minimal peace, with emphasis on averting a devastating nuclear war between the superpowers; and 3) the functionality of global and national technical systems and services. After discussing how international law, preventive diplomacy, confidence-building measures, and norms of responsible state behaviour can support cyberspace stability, this report concludes with recommendations for action aimed at helping to create and maintain a stable - resilient and adaptive - cyberspace.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Cyber
  • Konflikt
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Cyber
  • Konflikt
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN

Hvordan forhandle med vanskelige motparter?

Christopher R. Hill var amerikanernes sjefsforhandler da USA forhandlet med Nord-Korea i 2005. I denne spesialepisoden av NUPI podcast deler han sine viktigste erfaringer - og tanker om fremtiden for amerikansk diplomati og utenrikspolitikk.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Asia
  • Nord-Amerika
  • Konflikt
11:15 - 12:30
Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus, Universitetet i Oslo
11:15 - 12:30
Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus, Universitetet i Oslo
21. mai 2019
11:15 - 12:30
Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus, Universitetet i Oslo

Dei interne bremsene for valdseskalering: Når ekstremistar vel å ikkje bruke vald

Trass i auka forsking på valdseskalering i ekstreme grupper, finst det framleis ingen gode svar på kvifor desse gruppene nokre gonger vel å ikkje bruke vald sjølv om dei har høve til det.

Ny forskning
Ny forskning

Tre trender som utfordrer norsk utenrikspolitikk

Hvilke megatrender må nordmenn se opp for i årene som kommer? Det har gjesteforsker Bård Ludvig Thorheim sett nærmere på.

  • NATO
  • Globalisering
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Sårbare stater
  • Migrasjon
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • FN
Bildet viser Norges utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide

Effekten av militærmakt i krigen mot terror – fra vondt til verre?

Ole Martin Stormoen skriver om bruken og effekten av militærmakt i krigen mot terror i denne analysen, skrevet for DNAK's Ukens analyse.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • NATO
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Afrika
  • Asia
  • Fredsoperasjoner
  • Humanitære spørsmål
  • Konflikt
  • Sårbare stater
  • Nasjonsbygging
  • Opprørsgrupper
Bildet viser et amerikansk jagerfly over Afghanistan
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