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NUPI skole

Global økonomi

Hva er sentrale spørsmål innen global økonomi?
The sea front of Vladivostok, Russia's most eastern city
2014 - 2016 (Avsluttet)

Developments in the Russian Far East (RFE)

Dette prosjektet ser nærmere på russisk beslutningstaking og internasjonalt engasjement rundt utviklingen på Russlands stillehavskyst....

  • Security policy
  • Trade
  • Diplomacy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic
  • Energy
  • International organizations
  • Security policy
  • Trade
  • Diplomacy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic
  • Energy
  • International organizations
14:00 - 17:30
Litteraturhuset, Amalie Skram
14:00 - 17:30
Litteraturhuset, Amalie Skram
26. apr. 2016
14:00 - 17:30
Litteraturhuset, Amalie Skram

Humanitære endringar, humanitære utfordringar og vern av sivile

Seminaret tar opp ein mogleg konflikt mellom humanitære prinsipp og lokale realitetar.


Financial Plumbing for Big Beer

This policy brief departs from the idea of studying multinational corporations’ “global wealth chains” (Seabrooke and Wigan 2014a, 2014b). This can tell us how companies protect and create wealth by decentering their corporate forms in advantageous jurisdictions. The brief proposes a method for studying global wealth chains, despite the data limitations that constrain the field, and applies this method to Carlsberg A/S, which is a brewery operating across multiple jurisdictions.

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Internasjonal økonomi

Spørsmålet bak Panama-rapportene

Hvorfor hindrer ikke internasjonalt regelverk skatteundragelse? 

Les professor Leonard Seabrooke's tanker om problematikken her. 

  • Internasjonal økonomi
15:00 - 17:00
15:00 - 17:00
20. apr. 2016
15:00 - 17:00

Marokko, endringar i regionen og samarbeid med E U

På dette seminaret vil Mohammed Tawfik Mouline gi ein introduksjon om Marokko, om kva for nokre viktige resultat landet har oppnådd på det politiske, økonomiske og sosiale plan.

Vitenskapelig artikkel

EU initiatives along the ‘cocaine routes’ to Europe: Fighting drug trafficking and terrorism by proxy?

While broad scholarly attention has been devoted to the securitization of migration in the ′EU’s relations with neighboring countries, less attention has been given to the ways in which the EU is partnering with third countries to fight other central ′‘unconventional security threats′’, such as terrorism and drug trafficking. This article traces the evolution of EU cooperation on these two issues with countries along the cocaine trafficking routes to Europe, i.e. Latin America and the Caribbean and West Africa. A mapping of EU initiatives and cooperation reveals that not only can a securitization of EU cooperation be observed in both regions, but various ′‘unconventional security threats′’, perceived in geopolitical terms, seem increasingly to serve as drivers for EU external action. The modalities of EU support – through international and regional organizations as well as third countries’ own counter-crime and counter-terrorism capabilities – suggest that the Union is fighting drug trafficking and terrorism ′‘by proxy′’. The article discusses whether the ′‘indirect′’ EU approach is a strategy of efficient engagement, or rather a way of avoiding commitment while portraying itself as a ′‘global crime fighter′’. Lastly, more analytical attention to third country interests, agency, and opposition is suggested in order for analyses to transcend the one-directional understanding of power seemingly underpinning the proxy concept.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Regional integrasjon
  • EU
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Terrorisme og ekstremisme
  • Regional integrasjon
  • EU
15:00 - 17:00
15:00 - 17:00
12. apr. 2016
15:00 - 17:00

Vesten, resten og det multilaterale utviklingssystemet: Nye aktørar og spelereglar

Seminaret set fokus på nye og tradisjonelle multilaterale aktørars rolle og betydning i eit stadig skiftande miljø.

Gulaikhan  Kubayeva

Gulaikhan Kubayeva

Tidligere gjesteforsker

  • Economic growth
  • Development policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Energy
  • Economic growth
  • Development policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Energy

The European Union and Peacebuilding

The Rising Powers and Peacebuilding project seeks to address an important question that has not yet been thoroughly researched: what are the new approaches that rising powers have taken to peacebuilding, how do they differ from those of traditional powers and multilateral institutions, and what lessons can be learned from these new approaches?The policy briefs in this series provide a baseline on the roles of rising powers and their affiliated regional organizations in peacebuilding. To this point, little research has been conducted on the substance and impact of peacebuilding activities carried out by rising powers. This project seeks to address this gap in the research by providing a structured, critical analysis of the values, content and impact of recent peacebuilding initiatives of rising powers, comparing them to one another and to approaches by Western donors and international organizations. The project also aims to offer new theoretical claims about the role of the global South in peacebuilding, rooted in insightful empirical work (on Somalia, Afghanistan and Myanmar and on specific non-¬‐Western actors), and to make key policy audiences aware of alternative approaches and their empirical records and theoretical underpinnings (which may vary among values, global/regional power aspirations, bureaucratic approaches).The project partners will also produce case studies on the role of rising powers in peacebuilding, and include:ACCORD (an NGO based in South Africa), the Istanbul Policy Center (IPC), , the United Service Institution of India (USI), American University’s School of International Service (SIS), CSIS-¬‐Jakarta, and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI). The project is funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, American University, and NUPI.

  • Regional integrasjon
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • EU
Forside: The European Union and Peacebuilding
  • Regional integrasjon
  • Utviklingspolitikk
  • EU
10:00 - 12:00
Cappelen Damm
10:00 - 12:00
Cappelen Damm
4. apr. 2016
10:00 - 12:00
Cappelen Damm

Akademisk frukost: Oljefondet og utanrikspolitikken

Kva er samanhengen mellom Oljefondet og norsk utanrikspolitikk? Er det allereie eit verkemiddel, og bør det vere det? Velkommen til akademisk frukost hos Cappelen Damm med lansering av det første heildigitale og ope tilgjengelege nummeret av tidsskriftet Internasjonal Politikk.

571 - 580 av 921 oppføringer