Expertise and Practice: The Evolving Relationship between Study and Practice of Security
The chapter details the evolving relationship between the study and the practice of international security. This relationship is seen as one of differentiation: international security has proliferated into several sub-fields - cyber security, conflict management etc - with increased specialisation of techniques of governing. This specialisation is matched by a differentiation in academic research and expertise, so that there is by now a broad array of different types of security expertise. This differentiation into sub-fields reflects a broader trend also found in other issue-areas.
Between classical and critical geopolitics in a changing Arctic
Puzzled by how geographical changes in the Arctic might cause changes in state behavior the authors of this article have been inspired to return to the roots of geopolitical reasoning. By combining insights from the intellectual roots of the geopolitical tradition with empirical data on geographical changes as well as policy changes in the Arctic today, we investigate the degree to which geopolitics, in the sense of geography influencing politics, is still a useful approach in the discipline of International Relations (IR). In limiting our primary focus to the state level, and investigating the period since the turn of the millennium, this article seeks to develop new knowledge concerning if, how, and to what extent geography matters in international politics. Our empirical investigation indicates that geographical changes in the Arctic have indeed had an effect on power relations among several states. Overall, this article shows that geography is an important factor in IR in the sense of enabling or empowering state actors. However, while it appears that physical geography is a possible factor in the cases analyzed to explain changes in identified power potentials, it does not always account for these changes on its own. Economic, political, legal, and historical factors also play a role in the observed power shifts.
Vitenskap, teknologi og fremtidens krigføring
Hvordan er teknologi med på å endre hvordan vi ser på verden og hvordan vi skal handle i den?...
Vår fiende Russland?
De siste fire årene har fiendebildet av Russland i mange land vokst seg svært sterkt, tidvis på unyansert grunnlag. Parallelt har regimet blitt vanskeligere å forsvare.
Internasjonal politikk og cyberspace
Karsten Geier, internasjonal ekspert på cyber og tryggleik, besøkjer NUPI for å gi deg ei oversikt over det som er verd å vite om internasjonalt cyberdiplomati.
Valdeleg ekstremisme og psykiske lidingar
I kva grad kan psykiske lidingar forklare terrorisme, og er det i så fall forskjell på den einslege aktøren og den gruppebaserte ekstremisten?
KRONIKK: EUs vanskelige Iran-valg
Kan EU bøye av for USA i Iran-avtalen? spør Sverre Lodgaard.
- En akademisk rebell
Både lovordene og rebell-karakteristikkene og latteren satt løst da vi hedret Iver B. Neumann.
Nordic-Baltic Security in Times of Uncertainty: The Defence-Energy Nexus
The report shows that energy and defence in the Nordic-Baltic region are closely interrelated. During the Cold War, the energy cooperation of Western European countries with the USSR was seen as an element of strengthening the status quo and reducing the risk of conflict. In the new strategic situation, when Russia is interested in regaining the status of regional and global power, there is a real threat that Kremlin will use Europe's dependence on Russian gas to divide NATO and the EU. The Russian military advantage in the region, the ability to block access to Alliance forces and the ability to influence its members through energy blackmail may encourage Russia to test NATO's credibility, increasing the risk of conflict in the region. NATO's ability to deter Russia creates a natural platform of cooperation for Norway and Poland. Both states should also be interested in reducing the Alliance's dependence on Russian energy resources.
Tryggleik i Norden og Baltikum i usikre tider – korleis hengjar forsvar og energi saman?
Korleis påverkar endringar i trusselbiletet og reaksjonar på tryggingsutfordringar knytt til Russland energipolitikk i den nordiske og baltiske regionen?