Forventningar til NATO-toppmøtet i Warszawa: Gjer NATO dei rette tinga – og blir dei gjorde på rett måte?
Forventningar til NATO-toppmøtet i Warszawa er tema for NUPIs andre seminar i seminarserien om NATO.
På bålet
På sankthansaften kan Storbritannia sette EU i brann, skriver NUPI-direktør Ulf Sverdrup i DN-kronikk.
Samarbeid mellom OSSE-akademiet og NUPI
Prosjektet innebærer en rekke aktiviteter, inkludert kapasitetsbygging for å styrke OSSE-akademiet som et regionalt møtested for forskning og undervisning, støtte til to masterprogrammer og forsknings...
NUPI leder TTIP-prosjekt
Sammen med flere andre forskningsmiljøer skal NUPI analysere konsekvensene en frihandelsavtale mellom EU og USA kan få for Norge.
Best practices in EU crisis response and policy implementation
This report has two aims. First, to take stock of how the Europen External Action Sercvice (EEAS) and the Commission have institutionalized lessons-learned mechanism. Second, to discuss the extent to which these mechanisms and practices incorporate the EU’s ambitions for a ‘conflict-sensitive’ and ‘comprehensive’ crisis-response approach. In this sense, this report will serve as a point of departure for case-study research to be undertaken within the framework of Work Packages 5–7 of the EUNPACK project, on whether there is a gap between policy and practice with regard to institutional learning.
Neste skritt for FN
FNs nye generalsekretær tiltrer 1. Januar 2017. Trenger vi en ny agenda?
Nasjonal krisehandtering: Kva kan vi lære av Finland?
For å takle nye former for sårbarheit, risiko og truslar i samfunnet, trengst ei rask nasjonal krisehandtering. Finland og Noreg har hatt ei ulik tilnærming til desse utfordringane. Kva kan vi lære frå dei finske erfaringane?
Measuring the Success of Peace Operations: Directions in Academic Literature
This background paper examines how the academic literature has approached the question of success in peace operations. Here it should be noted that many theoretical and methodological issues have not been settled, nor does this contribution seek to resolve them. The aim here is to shed light on the issue, and indicate where choices need to be made for research into success to be rigorous. The first section examines differences between the way that scholarly and practitioner analyses approach this question. The section that follows looks at how the academic literature has approached the definition of success and where some of the fault-lines lie. In the conclusion I outline a number of methodological decisions that need to be made when conducting research on success.