Noreg og Europa: Kva framtid vil du ha?
Viss du er fødd på nittitalet, kan du neppe hugse eit liv utan EØS-avtalen frå 1994. Dagens 25-åringar skal arve avtalen. Men kva ønskjer eigentleg denne generasjonen for Noregs framtid i Europa?
Forum: In the beginning there was no word (For It): Terms, concepts, and early sovereignty
It is difficult to overstate the importance of the concept sovereignty for international relations (IR). And yet, understanding the historical emergence of sovereignty in international relations has long been curtailed by the all-encompassing myth of the Peace of Westphalia. While criticism of this myth has opened space for further historical inquiry in recent years, it has also raised important questions of historical interpretation and methodology relevant to IR, as applying our current conceptual framework to distant historical cases is far from unproblematic. Central among these questions is the when, what, and how of sovereignty: from when can we use “sovereignty” to analyze international politics and for which polities? Can sovereignty be used when the actors themselves did not have recourse to the terminology? And what about polities that do not have recourse to the term at all? What are the theoretical implications of applying the concept of sovereignty to early polities? From different theoretical and methodological perspectives, the contributions in this forum shed light on these questions of sovereignty and how to treat the concept analytically when applied to a period or place when/where the term did not exist as such. In doing so, this forum makes the case for a sensitivity to the historical dimension of our arguments about sovereignty—and, by extension, international relations past and present—as this holds the key to the types of claims we can make about the polities of the world and their relations.
Strategic Assistance: China and International Nuclear Weapons Proliferation
A major power with access to nuclear technology, China has a significant impact on international nuclear weapons proliferation, but its attitude towards the spread of the bomb has been inconsistent. China’s mixed record raises a broader question: why, when and how do states support potential nuclear proliferators? This book develops a framework for analyzing such questions, by putting forth three factors that are likely to determine a state’s policy: (1) the risk of changes in the nuclear status or military doctrines of competitors; (2) the recipient’s status and strategic value; and (3) the extent of pressure from third parties to halt nuclear assistance. It then demonstrates how these factors help explain China’s policies towards Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea. Overall, the book finds that China has been a selective and strategic supporter of nuclear proliferators. While nuclear proliferation is a security challenge to China in some settings, in others, it wants to help its friends build the bomb.
Kina og atomkrisene i Iran og Nord-Korea
Atomavtalen med Iran er i krise, og samtalar om Nord-Koreas atomprogram har gitt liten framgang. Samtidig er Kina på god veg til å bli ein av dei viktigaste og mektigaste statane i verda. Kor viktig er det for Kina å forhindre spreiing av kjernevåpen?
The Russian political system in transition: Scenarios for power transfer
In the aftermath of the March 2018 presidential elections, the Russian political system is preparing for – indeed, already entering – the next phase of its development: the transition of power. This inevitable, but still unmentionable, transition is the topic of topics in the minds of Russia’s political elites, and is made all the more pertinent by the fact that the acting members of the decision-making class cannot discuss it openly. What is the constitutional framework around this political situation? Is there indeed a problem of succession, or, more broadly, of stability in the transition of power? What lessons could be drawn from other political regimes that resemble the Russian system? What are the possible scenarios for the transition of power? What are the positive and negative sides, feasibility and possible consequences of these scenarios? These are the questions this working paper seeks to address.
Kan skattlegging hjelpe stater ut av sårbarhet?
Ledende forskere på feltet mener at skattlegging er puslespillbiten som mangler innen freds- og statsbygging.
Kunstig intelligens, roboter og fremtidens krigføring - en revolusjon?
Dette er den første rapporten fra et omfattende prosjekt som søker å gi en bedre forståelse av forholdet mellom teknologi, krig og samfunn, med et spesielt henblikk på utviklingen av nye teknologier, fremtidens forventede krigføring, og hvilke konsekvenser dette vil ha for samfunnene våre. Denne rapporten har til hensikt å sondere terrenget, snarere enn å komme med klare anbefalinger og konkrete svar. Formålet er heller å stille spørsmål og komme opp med problemstillinger som synes relevante for videre diskusjon og forskning.
Skal finne ut hvorfor atommaktene i Asia ruster opp
– Situasjonen er mer komplisert nå enn under den kalde krigen, sier Henrik Stålhane Hiim. Sammen med Sverre Lodgaard har han fått 8 millioner kroner fra UD til å forske på drivkreftene bak atomvåpenopprustning i Asia.