Webinar: IUU-fiske og utfordringer knyttet til bærekraftig fiskeristyring: Norges rolle og internasjonalt samarbeid
In this seminar, we will discuss the role of international cooperation and development assistance in addressing Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.
Er Russland fascistisk?
ARENDALSUKA: Folk flest blir ikkje radikalisert
Det meste av forskinga på valdeleg ekstremisme fokuserer på kvifor folk blir radikalisert. Men dei fleste blir ikkje det. Kva gjer at folk flest ikkje blir radikaliserte?
Re-imagining African—Nordic relations in a changing global order
This study asks how the special relationship between countries in Africa and the Nordic region may be affected by a changing global order, that the African-Nordic cooperation can continue to evolve and remain relevant for both regions. The meeting in Helsinki on 14 June 2022 is the 20th meeting of the forum of African–Nordic Foreign Ministers. The forum was established in 2000 between five Nordic countries and ten African countries. It was intended to emphasize the political importance of Africa and to demonstrate that Africa–Nordic relations went beyond development cooperation. The forum meets alternately and rotates among African and Nordic countries and African hosts have included Benin, Botswana, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania. The number of African countries expanded over time and now numbers around 25. The annual meeting is an opportunity to consolidate the special relationship between African and Nordic countries and creates a space where political issues of mutual concern can be discussed. As such, it has helped to broaden the African–Nordic relations beyond development cooperation and towards a more politically-oriented and interest-based strategic partnership. Beyond the annual foreign ministers meeting, the other aspect the report looks into is what the sum-total of African-Nordic bilateral relations in the areas of trade, development, peace and security and multilateral cooperation reveals about the status of the overall relationship. Africa pursues strategic partnerships that helps it to develop and strengthen the continent’s economic potential, political identity, and its role on the global stage. In this study we pay particular attention to Africa’s relationship with China, Europe, India, Russia and Turkey. One of the dominant features of Africa’s international relations has been its non-alignment. African countries have been careful to seek partnerships with many different states and regions, without being pulled into any one alliance that may prevent it from also gaining support for its development from others. Therefore, in its strategic partnerships, African countries seeks engagements that will help it to grow its economies.
ARENDALSUKA: Kva skjer viss vi må slutte å handle med Kina?
Handelen vår med Kina er viktig for norsk økonomi - men forholdet er også fullt av dilemma. Kva skjer viss vi må slutte å handle med Kina?
ARENDALSUKA: Ukraina-krigen: Kva no, Russland?
Kva gjer Russland vidare no, og kva skjer med Noregs Russlandspolitikk?
Re-imagining African-Nordic relations in a changing global order
Webinar: Europas grøne skifte – moglegheiter og hindringar for samarbeid mellom Noreg og EU
I kva grad er Noreg eit viktig element i Europakommisjonens visjon om eit grønt skifte under den grøne given i unionen? I kva sektorar utover olje og gass er Noregs bidrag forventa og velkomne? Og kva hinder kan dette partnarskapet risikere å møte på fordi Noreg ikkje er medlem i EU? Dette er nokre av spørsmåla vi diskuterer på dette webinaret.
Norge og EU mot 2030
Dette prosjektet ser nærmere på utviklingen på viktige områder i forholdet mellom Norge og EU mot 2030....