EU referendum: the beginning, not the end, of Brexiteers’ problems
On 23 June 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union. The referendum outcome triggered resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron and his replacement by former Home Secretary Theresa May. This brief enquires into why Cameron lost the referendum battle and what the major challenges facing the new prime minister are. May, who supported the ‘Remain’ campaign, will have to prove that she can deliver Brexit. That will not be an easy task, with obstacles at home and abroad. Scotland and Northern Ire-land voted to remain in the EU, and their reluctance to leave the EU could complicate May’s plans. PM May will also find it difficult to win hearts in Brussels. Britain tested the patience of the EU institutions with its reform demands, and Brussels will be reluctant to make things easier for the UK in Brexit talks. Member-states may be more receptive to Britain’s concerns, but the UK will prob-ably not be offered any special treatment.
Dynamisk og ensartet
Storbritannia og EU forbereder forhandlingene om brexit. Alle vet at de vil være krevende og trolig langdryge, skriver NUPI-direktør Ulf Sverdrup i DN-kronikk.
Seminarserie om Kina og Norden
Hvilken rolle kan de nordiske landene spille i Kinas voksende engasjement i Europa?...
I digitaliseringens grenseland
Hvordan skaper digitalisering nye globale koblinger – og frakoblinger – i utviklingsland? Og hvilken rolle spiller digitaliseringen for FNs bærekraftsmål? NUPI-forskere ser nærmere på disse tingene i nytt prosjekt.
Cybersecurity Capacity Building 2.0 - Bridging the digital divide and strengthening sustainable development
Dette prosjektet studerer kapasitetsbygging for cybersikkerhet (CCB) og bærekraftigheten til utviklingsprosesser i utviklingsland....
Et hav av trøbbel
Sikkerhetssituasjonen i Sør-Kinahavet blir stadig mer kompleks og potensielt mer farlig, skriver NUPI-forsker Marc Lanteigne i Klassekampen-kronikk.
Utanfor rekkjevidde? EU og det kinesiske klimaforholdet etter Paris
På dette seminaret vil Dr. Olivia Gippner (LSE) gå gjennom utviklinga i klimaforholdet mellom EU og Kina sidan byrjinga i 2005.
Forestillingenes krig
Redsel for Russland vil prege Nato-toppmøtet i Warszawa, skriver seniorforsker Julie Wilhelmsen i Morgenbladet-kronikk.
MINUSTAH’s Specialized Police Team to Combat Sexual Violence in Haiti
This paper examines the Norwegian specialized police team (SPT) that has been deployed to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) since late 2010. The objective of the team is to build the capacity of the Haitian National Police (HNP) to conduct investigations into sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).
China's New Development Bank and Infrastructure-led Growth
In view of China’s recent launch of several new development banks (AIIB, OBOR, NDB) with a central focus on infrastructure, this NUPI Brief takes a look at how China’s infrastructure projects have fared both at home and abroad in the past. It asks the question: Does economic growth, boosted by infrastructure investment, necessarily benefit development? Admitting that infrastructure has played a crucial role in China’s development, as well as contributed to the changes in other developing countries, this brief cautions against several potential economic risks. To be more specific, three issues are highlighted: first, low usage and low profitability; second, debt and broken contracts; third, favouritism towards state-owned companies.