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Quintet Out of Tune? China’s Bilateral Relations with the Nordic States

This book seeks to explore Nordic approaches to China and the idea of sub-regional diplomacy. China’s multi-tiered approach to Europe can be seen vividly in the Nordic sub-region, which has been engaging Beijing through a variety of different means corresponding to the political and economic structures found in the Nordic states. In some areas, a specific Nordic approach can be observed, including areas related to economic cooperation, Arctic diplomacy, and institution-building. However, the Nordic states also have widely differing historical experiences with China leading up to the present day. Each of the Nordic states has also had to balance their China relations with those of the EU and other major players such as the United States. With case studies on the EU, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, this volume addresses the question of a specifically Nordic approach to Chinese relations. It explores not only the contributions of the Nordics to China relations, but also adds to the greater study of sub-regional approaches to Chinese diplomacy at a time when Sino-European relations are arguably at their most complex. This book will be of much interest to students of Chinese politics, Nordic politics, diplomacy and IR in general.

  • Asia
  • Norden
  • Asia
  • Norden

The Norway-China Relationship: For Better, For Worse, For Richer, For Poorer

This book seeks to explore Nordic approaches to China and the idea of sub-regional diplomacy. China’s multi-tiered approach to Europe can be seen vividly in the Nordic sub-region, which has been engaging Beijing through a variety of different means corresponding to the political and economic structures found in the Nordic states. In some areas, a specific Nordic approach can be observed, including areas related to economic cooperation, Arctic diplomacy, and institution-building. However, the Nordic states also have widely differing historical experiences with China leading up to the present day. Each of the Nordic states has also had to balance their China relations with those of the EU and other major players such as the United States. With case studies on the EU, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, this volume addresses the question of a specifically Nordic approach to Chinese relations. It explores not only the contributions of the Nordics to China relations, but also adds to the greater study of sub-regional approaches to Chinese diplomacy at a time when Sino-European relations are arguably at their most complex. This book will be of much interest to students of Chinese politics, Nordic politics, diplomacy and IR in general.

  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Asia
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Asia
13:00 - 14:30
Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts Hus, Blindern
13:00 - 14:30
Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts Hus, Blindern
25. jan. 2018
13:00 - 14:30
Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts Hus, Blindern

AVLYST: Arbeidsmarknaden for Syrias opprørskrigarar

På grunn av uventa hendingar må vi dessverre avlyse dette arrangementet.

15:00 - 16:30
Auditorium 5, Eilert Sundts Hus, Blindern
15:00 - 16:30
Auditorium 5, Eilert Sundts Hus, Blindern
24. jan. 2018
15:00 - 16:30
Auditorium 5, Eilert Sundts Hus, Blindern

Førebygging av radikalisering og ekstremisme: Erfaringar frå Sverige og Noreg

Seminaret tar for seg store utfordringar med førebygging av radikalisering og ekstremisme.


China and Nordic Diplomacy

This book seeks to explore Nordic approaches to China and the idea of sub-regional diplomacy. China’s multi-tiered approach to Europe can be seen vividly in the Nordic sub-region, which has been engaging Beijing through a variety of different means corresponding to the political and economic structures found in the Nordic states. In some areas, a specific Nordic approach can be observed, including areas related to economic cooperation, Arctic diplomacy and institution-building. However, the Nordic states also have widely differing historical experiences with China leading up to the present day. Each of the Nordic states has also had to balance their China relations with those of the EU and other major players such as the US. With case studies on the EU, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, this volume addresses the question of a specifically Nordic approach to Chinese relations. It explores not only the contributions of the Nordics to China relations, but also adds to the greater study of sub-regional approaches to Chinese diplomacy at a time when Sino-European relations are arguably at their most complex. This book will be of much interest to students and researchers of Chinese politics, Nordic politics, diplomacy and IR in general.

  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Asia
  • Norden
  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Asia
  • Norden
Bildet viser flagg i NATO
2017 - 2021 (Avsluttet)

Norges sikkerhetspolitiske rammer i en ny tid

Dette prosjektet vil se nærmere på Norges nærmeste allierte og partnere i en ny og mer usikker sikkerhetspolitisk verden....

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • North America
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • North America

The Political Economy of Russian Aluminium. Between the Dual State and Global Markets

This book addresses how the progress of the Russian aluminium industry, which has developed into an important global actor, has been influenced by the interaction of global market forces and the evolution of the Russian political system. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian aluminium producers needed to adapt to changing framework conditions, both with regards to the global aluminium market and in Russia. Examining the most important changes in the organization of the global aluminium trade – the reorganization and consolidation of Russian aluminium industry and its ‘oligarchization’ – Godzimirski charts the evolution of the relationship between political and economic power in Russia, and the impact that this development has had on survival and adaptation strategies of key aluminium players in the country.

  • Handel
  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Handel
  • Russland og Eurasia
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Kims store gjennombrudd

Nord-Korea er farlig nær en amerikansk smertegrense – en troverdig evne til å ramme det amerikanske kontinentet, skriver Sverre Lodgaard på NRK Ytring.

  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Asia
  • Konflikt
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Asia
  • Konflikt
10:00 - 11:30
10:00 - 11:30
31. jan. 2018
10:00 - 11:30

Armenia og Tyrkia – dratt mellom fortid og framtid

Vahram Ter-Matevosyan snakkar om det vanskelege forholdet mellom Tyrkia og Armenia, ein situasjon som har stått meir eller mindre stille dei siste 26 åra.

15:00 - 16:30
15:00 - 16:30
31. jan. 2018
15:00 - 16:30

Teoriseminar: Vitskap, teknologi og idear om ekspansiv territorial suverenitet i vestlege internasjonale relasjonar

Justiina Dahl besøkjer NUPI for å snakke om kva mislykka forsøk på busetjing i Arktis kan fortelje oss om normutviklinga i det internasjonale systemet.

1721 - 1730 av 3078 oppføringer