NUPI's Russia Conference 2019: The Return of Russia – Identity and Foreign Policy
During Putin’s years in power, Russia has made a comeback as a European great power with global ambitions. What are the Kremlin’s long-term foreign policy objectives? How does Russian self-understandings affect this policy? And what implications may this have for Russia’s neighbors, including for Norway?
Statsbesøk som scenekunst
(Available in norwegian only): Theresa May lyktes ikke med brexit, men viderefører i dag forestillingen om det spesielle forholdet mellom USA og Storbritannia, skriver Kristin Haugevik i denne kronikken.
The Nordics and the International
Why is there not more Nordic cooperation on the international arena, when Nordic politicians so often express a willingness to develop cooperation in this field further? This project aims to build new...
Russian Public Opinion and the Confrontation with the West
What do most Russians think about President Putin, the policies of the Kremlin and the West? Is Russia on the right track? How do Russians view the future? President Vladimir Putin has, since he was elected in 2000, scored high in public opinion polls. After the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 the polls reached new heights with support from nearly 90 % of the population. However, after the announcement of a comprehensive pension reform in summer 2018, the support decreased. In this working paper, Lev Gudkov provides an overview of how the Russians see the West, Ukraine and the politics of the Kremlin, and how the public opinion on these issues have changed over time. The working paper is based on the regular public opinion polls carried out by the Levada Centre since 2003.
Generation Putin: What’s important to them?
Recent polls show that Russian youths differ from their parents in values and orientations. What impact may this have on their political participation and preferences?
Russland og det ytre høyre
(Available in Norwegian only): Båndene mellom Russland og ytre høyre i Europa er mer kompliserte enn man kan få inntrykk av i vestlig media, skriver Minda Holm i denne kronikken.
What does Trump’s Space Force mean for Europe?
The American President wants his own Space Force, and this could contribute to a shift in the dynamics of space that until now has been characterized by cooperation.
NATO – an alliance for the future?
NATO is currently facing new and major challenges in today’s security environment. How well is the alliance prepared and equipped to meet these challenges?
How to negotiate with difficult partners?
Ambassador Christopher R. Hill shares his insights and experiences from the frontline of American diplomacy in this episode of NUPI podcast.
EU Integration and Differentiation for Effectiveness and Accountability (EUIDEA)
EUIDEA is a H2020 project, which aims to break new ground on differentiated integration in terms of conceptual approach, policies and networks....