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Diplomacy and foreign policy

What are the key questions related to diplomacy and foreign policy?
11:00 - 12:30
11:00 - 12:30
24. Jan 2019
11:00 - 12:30

Europe through the Russian TV lens

What images of Europe does Russian TV convey to its viewers? What are the dominant Russian media narratives on Europe?


ANALYSIS: Resolving Brexit

Brexit is in crisis. The options are limited, and they have not changed much since 2016. Now, time is running out. Exiting the EU without an agreement, widely recognized as the worst option, is the default. Moreover, this is no longer simply a question about how to deal with the EU. Brexit is a test of whether a democratic political system can resolve difficult and divisive issues in a credible and robust way. The stakes are therefore high. 

  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • International organizations
  • The EU

Is taxation the new politics of development?

According to scholars in the field of development studies, taxation might be the missing piece to the puzzle of peace- and state-building.

  • International economics
  • Development policy
  • Africa
  • Fragile states

Why are Asia’s nuclear powers rearming?

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has granted NOK 8 million to NUPI researchers Henrik Hiim and Sverre Lodgaard to study the drivers of nuclear rearmament in Asia.

  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Asia

ANALYSIS: Kurdish State-building and the Struggle for Natural Resources in Iraq

What role do taxation and natural resource management have in Kurdish state-building?

  • Development policy
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Conflict

What does foreign policy really mean?

This, with other widely used IR concepts, is what Halvard Leira and his project CHOIR team have received funding to explore.

  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • International organizations
  • Historical IR
Bildet viser Halvard Leira

How the New Cold War travelled North (Part II) Interaction between Norway and Russia

This policy brief examines changing Russian and Norwegian approaches to each other in the period 2012–2016, and discusses how the “New Cold War” spread to the North. This is an intriguing question, since both parties had initially stated that, despite the overall worsening of Russia–West relations following the crises in Ukraine, the North should be protected as a space for peaceful interaction. To address this question, watching and tracking the changing patterns of Russian exercises and military modernization is not enough; understanding the rise in tensions requires studying the effects of the interactions underway between the parties in this region. Three interaction effects need to be taken into consideration in explaining why the tense relations following the conflict in Ukraine spread to the low-tension Northern theatre. In this, we stress the interactive dynamics that ensues when two parties start to view each other as threats, interpreting new moves by the other as expressions of hostile intent. Further, we explain the observed New Cold War “contamination” with reference to domestic policy agendas and practices of decision-making. On both the Norwegian and the Russian sides, the new military posturing in the North, now interpreted as part of a growing conflict, has emerged partly as a side-effect of implementing what actually were longstanding national goals.

  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic
  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic

How the New Cold War travelled North (Part I) Norwegian and Russian narratives

The standoff between Russia and the West over Ukraine has already obstructed cooperation across a range of issues. Could it also affect state interaction between Norway and Russia in the Arctic—an area and a relationship long characterized by a culture of compromise and cooperation? In two policy briefs we examine changes in how Russia and Norway have approached each other in the Arctic in the period 2012–2016. This first brief presents the development of official Norwegian and Russian narratives on the relations between the two countries in the Arctic. Such narratives stipulate logical paths for action. Showing how Norwegian and Russian policies have changed in line with these narratives, we conclude that what some refer to as “the New Cold War” is indeed spreading to the Arctic.

  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic
  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic

Transboundary collaboration on conservation and natural resources in East Africa

How can transboundary collaboration on conservation and the management of natural resources transform a zone of war into more peaceful coexistence? The case of Uganda-Rwanda-DR Congo holds some promise.

  • Development policy
  • Africa
  • Conflict
The image shows a baby and a mother mountain gorilla

The Fisheries Sector in Ghana: A Political Economy Analysis

  • Development policy
  • Africa
  • Development policy
  • Africa
551 - 560 of 1163 items