Research Project
The Nordics and the International
The core emphasis will be on the Nordic states’ foreign policy and cooperation patterns writ large, but we will also discuss Nordic cooperation i.e. within the EU, NATO and the UN, in relations with great powers, cooperation initiatives within the fields of defence and emergency planning, and practical embassy cooperation.
Related events:
- Sheltering, security and small states: Nordic responses to a changing geopolitical context (7 March 2019). Watch the event here:
In addition to the seminar above, and a roundtable meeting with colleagues from the Nordic foreign policy institutes (20 March 2019), the researches have contributed to several events outside of NUPI:
- Ulf Sverdrup and Kristin Haugevik opened both the “Ten Years On: Reassessing the Stoltenberg Report on Nordic Cooperation” report launch event on Iceland (3 May 2019), and a joint meeting for the administrative heads of the Nordic MFAs (22 May 2019).
- Ole Jacob Sending discussed Nordic cooperation at the radio show “Urix på lørdag” (NRK, 4 May 2019).
- Haugevik opened and participated in the debate “How can Nordic cooperation provide safer societies?” at Arendalsuka (14 August 2019).
- Sverdrup presented and debated the findings of the Stoltenberg II report at the Nordic Council (9 September 2019).
- Moreover, Haugevik gave a lecture on Nordic cooperation for the MFA trainee course (3 December 2019).
Project Manager
New publications
Ten Years On: Reassessing the Stoltenberg Report on Nordic Cooperation
Ten years ago, the report ‘Nordic cooperation on foreign and security policy’ was presented to the Nordic foreign ministers at an extraordinary meeting in Oslo, Norway. Penned and fronted by Norway’s former foreign minister Thorvald Stoltenberg, the report proposed thirteen ways in which Nordic cooperation in the foreign and security domain could be formalized and strengthened. Generally well-received in the Nordic capitals, today, the report is regularly referred to in assessments of Nordic foreign and security cooperation, or when Nordic heads of government meet in public to discuss past and future accomplishments.
Hvor går nordisk samarbeid?
I en tid med geopolitiske omveltninger snakker Nordens regjeringer med fornyet kraft om nordisk samarbeid. Men stopper det med fine ord, eller følges visjonene opp av konkrete handlinger?
Norden i verden
(Only in Norwegian). Hver for seg er de nordiske landene relativt små, men sammen er de på størrelse med en stormakt. Og med en verdenspolitikk i endring er samarbeidet mellom disse statene enda viktigere enn på lenge.