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Natural resources and climate

What are the key questions related to natural resources and climate?

Commentary: Russia’s ‘nyet’ does not mean climate security is off the Security Council agenda

On Monday, 13 December, Russia used its veto in the United Nations Security Council to block a thematic resolution on climate change and security put forward by Ireland and Niger. While the draft resolution contained specific actions, its main purpose was symbolic: to put the security implications of climate change firmly on the Security Council’s agenda, much as Resolution 1325 did with women, peace and security.
  • Security policy
  • Climate
  • United Nations
New research
New research

Op-ed: Why Peace Should Matter for the COP, and Why COP26 is Important for Peace

Looking at COP26, it is clear that significant amounts of funding will be directed towards climate adaptation over the coming years, writes Cedric de Coning and Florian Krampe.
  • Foreign policy
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Climate
  • International organizations
Scientific article

UN Security Council to Discuss Climate-Related Conflict, But What Role Should It Play?

Last month, the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General called the latest assessment report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) a “code red for humanity,” noting that the evidence is irrefutable: global heating is affecting every region on Earth, with many of the changes becoming irreversible. His message is one that all countries are now recognizing: climate change is not a future risk. It is already affecting every aspect of our collective lives, including our ability to sustain international peace and security.

  • Peace, crisis and conflict
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
  • Peace, crisis and conflict
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
Scientific article

Hvis ikke Norge går i bresjen for en grønn omstilling, hvem da?

The faster Norway embarks on a responsible but speedy end to its reliance on oil, the greater the potential reputational, diplomatic, and commercial gains for Norway, write three NUPI researchers in this op-ed.

  • Diplomacy and foreign policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Diplomacy and foreign policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
  • Energy

Is Somalia’s hunger and homelessness crisis beyond hope?

An ever-growing number of people across Somalia are leaving their homes to escape conflict and the impact of extreme weather events that have devastated the livelihoods of farmers and herders. Dr. Andrew E. Yaw Tchie comments.

  • Regions
  • Africa
  • Peace, crisis and conflict
  • Conflict
  • Insurgencies
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
  • Regions
  • Africa
  • Peace, crisis and conflict
  • Conflict
  • Insurgencies
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
Scientific article

Investment in resilient food systems in the most vulnerable and fragile regions is critical

Reversing the alarming trend of rising food insecurity requires transformations towards just, sustainable and healthy food systems with an explicit focus on the most vulnerable and fragile regions. ending the curve of rising food insecurity while achieving global climate and sustainability targets (for example, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)) and remaining within planetary boundaries will require a fundamental transformation of the global food system. With the UN Food Systems Summit approaching, there is a growing concern over ensuring that any approaches and solutions proposed contribute to both a sustainable and just transformation. But for this to be achieved, we need a policy agenda with a much stronger focus on the needs and challenges of the people living in vulnerable and fragile regions, as well as the recognition that it is only by addressing those challenges in an integrated social–ecological way that we will be able to get to the heart of our global food system’s problems.

  • Peace, crisis and conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
  • Peace, crisis and conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate

OP-ED: As UN Security Council Discusses Climate-related Conflict, What Role Should It Play?

Last month, the UN Secretary-General called the latest assessment report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) a “code red for humanity,” noting that the evidence is irrefutable: global heating is affecting every region on Earth, with many of the changes becoming irreversible. His message is one that all countries are now recognizing: climate change is not a future risk; it is already affecting every aspect of our collective lives, including our ability to sustain international peace and security.
  • Conflict
  • Climate
  • United Nations

Displaced by the Climate

A Sky News analysis found that weather-related disasters in 2020 led to people in the poorest nations moving almost five times as often as those in richer ones. Dr. Andrew E. Yaw Tchie contributes with insights from research on Somalia and the Horn of Africa.

  • Defence and security
  • Security policy
  • Regions
  • Africa
  • Peace, crisis and conflict
  • Conflict
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
  • Defence and security
  • Security policy
  • Regions
  • Africa
  • Peace, crisis and conflict
  • Conflict
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
New research
New research

Transnational Ecosystems Cooperation is Taking off

Do these efforts to govern border-crossing ecosystems have unique effects that matter for global politics more generally?
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • South and Central America
  • The Arctic
  • Climate
  • Oceans
  • Governance
  • International organizations

EUs grønne giv – implikasjoner for norsk europapolitikk

EU lanserte mot slutten av 2019 European Green Deal. Dette er en klimastrategi for å nå målene i Parisavtalen, men også en økonomisk vekststrategi, og forventes å definere EUs sentrale prioriteringer i årene fremover. Hvordan vil dette påvirke Norge, og norsk europapolitikk? En ny NUPI-rapport, forsøker å gi svar. Norge er tett koblet til EU via EØS avtalen og en lang rekke andre avtaler, herunder Klimaavtalen som definerer rammene for norsk klimapolitikk frem mot 2030. Når EU endrer sine mål og sin virkemåte, så vil dette også påvirke Norge i stor grad. Noen sentrale observasjoner i rapporten er at: • Det er en spenning i Norge mellom energipolitikken i form av fortsatt olje- og gassproduksjon, på den ene siden, og ambisiøse klimamål, på den andre. EUs grønne giv løfter klimapolitikken til politikkens elitedivisjon og kan gjøre det mer krevende å håndtere denne spenningen. Tradisjonelle allierte i EU - som Sverige og Danmark - har f.eks et annet syn på gass som del av løsningen enn det Norge har. • Grønn Giv innebærer at EU utvikler nye regler med potensielt stor betydning for Norge, men det forvaltningsmessige oppsettet for vurdering og håndtering av nye EU regler i Norge er ikke tilpasset en slik økning i volumet på nye regler. • Grønn giv er "sektorovergripende" og trekker EU Kommisjonen i retning av større integrasjon på tvers av ulike saksfelt. Norsk forvaltning er imidlertid definert av et sektor-prinsipp. Dette innebærer en betydelig økning av behovet for koordinering på tvers av ulike departementer og etater i Norge. • Fordi Norge står utenfor EU, har Norge størst mulighet til å påvirke innretting på nye regler og tiltak tidlig i prosessen, gjennom deltakelse i ekspertgrupper i en forberedende fase. Tempoet og omfanget av nye regler som nå utarbeides gjør dette arbeidet krevende. • Grønn giv innebærer en serie med endringer som potensielt griper inn i eksisterende konfliktlinjer i norsk politikk knyttet til EØS og suverenitetsavståelse. • Det er behov for økt kunnskap og dialog mellom forvaltningen, næringslivet, akademia og sivilt samfunn om hvilke muligheter og utfordringer EUs grønne giv innebærer. Et "grønn giv forum" kan være nyttig for å sikre at ulike norske aktører utnytter de muligheter som ligger i EUs grønne giv. • Grønn giv viser at EØS avtalen har sine begrensninger som det sentrale tilkoblingspunktet til EU. En mer institusjonalisert dialog på øverste politiske nivå mellom Norge og EU vil kunne bidra til å bøte på disse utfordringene. Rapporten er finansiert av Utenriksdepartementet.

  • Diplomacy and foreign policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Regions
  • Europe
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
  • Global governance
  • The EU
  • Diplomacy and foreign policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Regions
  • Europe
  • Natural resources and climate
  • Climate
  • Global governance
  • The EU
181 - 190 of 525 items