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Europe is changing – faced with financial crises, conflicts in its neighbourhood, war in Ukraine and power shifts on the international scene.

The EU is the dominant theme of NUPI’s research on Europe. Increased cooperation and the development of common institutions in Europe, EU foreign and defence policy, EU policy towards neighbouring states and adjacent regions, as well as the role of NATO in Europe are all important areas of study. Also central are questions of energy production in Europe and European energy security. Further priority areas for research at NUPI are the special position of Europe in Norwegian foreign policy, and the role of Europe in global geopolitics.

Britain and Europe

Lecture about Britain and Europe - historically and today.

  • Europe
  • Europe
Elsa Lilja Gunnarsdottir

Elsa Lilja Gunnarsdottir

Former employee

Elsa Lilja Gunnarsdottir was a research assistant for the project Norway and the EU towards 2030 and part of the Research group on security and de...

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Pandemics
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Pandemics

PODCAST: Abkhazia between Russia and the outside world

The World Stage takes a closer look at Abkhazia, a de facto state in Southern Caucasus, and focus on its efforts to secure diplomatic ties in the post-Soviet space and beyond, as well as its relationship with its patron state, Russia.
  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
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Siri  Strand

Siri Strand

Visiting Research Fellow

Siri Strand is a visiting research fellow at NUPI’s Centre for digitalisation and cyber security studies and a member of the Research Group on Sec...

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Cyber
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • North America
  • The Arctic
  • The Nordic countries
  • Conflict
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Cyber
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • North America
  • The Arctic
  • The Nordic countries
  • Conflict
Scientific article

Norges klimaomdømme på Twitter

In this article we explore whether oil and gas industry negatively affects Norway’s climate reputation by analyzing tweets posted during the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow. To make our findings more reliable, we compare tweets about Norway with tweets about Sweden. The results of our study reveal that there is no significant difference in negative sentiment between tweets about Norway compared with tweets about Sweden. However, we find that tweets about the two states differ thematically. While dominant topics in tweets mentioning Sweden are about promotion of the green transition and climate activism, tweets about Norway are mostly about climate financing and the need to phase out fossil fuel production. Furthermore, negative tweets about Sweden are of a more general nature, similar to criticism of all countries not meeting their climate goals, while negative tweets about Norway are specific and related to fossil fuel industry.

  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • Climate
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  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • Climate

Net-zero or phase out? Stakeholder views on just transitions pathways for oil and gas in Norway

In this policy brief, authors David Jordhus-Lier, Camilla Houeland, Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås, Kacper Szulecki, Peder Ressem Østring and Kendra Dupuy document how policy makers and representatives of businesses and civil society organisations (including trade unions and environmental groups) have outlined pathway scenarios towards net-zero carbon emissions and a phase-out vision for the Norwegian oil and gas industry. The authors have developed these two scenarios participating in a focus group based on a so-called ‘backcasting’ exercise. There is perceived acceptance for the notion of net-zero emissions by 2050 from social actors involved in the Norwegian oil and gas industry. If this goal is to be reached with a science-based approach, however, deep-seated transformations in the global energy system will be needed, as well as concerted efforts by the Norwegian government and from other social actors. Specific targets for the electrification of offshore installations, the roll-out of large-scale offshore wind power and technologies for capturing, using and storing carbon on the Norwegian Continental Shelf are key milestones in this scenario. The main actors required to take responsibility for this pathway are the Norwegian state, in close tripartite dialogue with labour and capital, but also with institutional mechanisms that ensure the participation of local communities and civil society organisations. The net-zero pathway faces a series of obstacles. Among them are popular resistance to new renewable energy projects, increasing electricity prices and the risk this poses to plans for the electrification of offshore installations.

  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • Climate
  • Energy
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  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • Climate
  • Energy
Scientific article

Populism, historical discourse and foreign policy: the case of Poland’s Law and Justice government

This article analyses how, in Poland, the populist political orientation of the ruling party (Law and Justice—PiS) has coloured the historical discourse of the government and has affected, in turn, its foreign policy and diplomatic relations. We argue that the historical discourse of the PiS government is a reflection of the party’s reliance on populism as a political mode of articulation in that it seeks to promote a Manichean, dichotomic and totalizing re-definition of the categories of victim, hero and perpetrator—and of Poland’s roles in this trinity. The article details the direct and indirect repercussions of PiS populist-inspired historical posture on Poland’s foreign policy by analysing its policies towards—and relations with—Ukraine and Germany. As such, the article sheds light on the under-explored links between populism and historical memory and makes a contribution to the nascent scholarship on the foreign policy of populist governments.

  • Europe
  • Europe

Poland's belated energy transition: now or never

The Polish authorities were for years playing down the need for decarbonization, seeing it as a threat to domestic energy security. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, suddenly it is not climate but precisely security that may accelerate the phase out of fossil fuels.

  • Europe
  • Energy
  • Europe
  • Energy

The War in Ukraine is All About Democracy vs Dictatorship

A dictatorship has just brutally attacked its democratic neighbor. It’s not the first time in history that happens, but there are good reasons to see the war in Ukraine as the first one defining the conflict lines of this century.

  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • The EU
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • The EU

The Chernobyl Effect: Antinuclear Protests and the Molding of Polish Democracy, 1986–1990

The 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe was not only a human and ecological disaster, but also a political-ideological one, severely discrediting Soviet governance and galvanizing dissidents in the Eastern Bloc. In the case of Poland, what began as isolated protests against the Soviet nuclear site grew to encompass domestic nuclear projects in general, and in the process spread across the country and attracted new segments of society. This innovative study, combining scholarly analysis with oral histories and other accounts from participants, traces the growth and development of the Polish anti-nuclear movement, showing how it exemplified the broader generational and cultural changes in the nation’s opposition movements during the waning days of the state socialist era.

  • Europe
  • Europe
101 - 110 of 712 items