Digitale åtak - bør angriparen avslørase eller ikkje?
- Sjå direktesendinga her!Den aukande betydinga av cybersikkerheit og handteringa av attribusjon av cyberoperasjonar har ført til auka handling frå nasjonale myndigheiter over heile verda. Operasjonane mot Stortinget 24. august, og den offentlege attribusjonen frå dei norske myndigheitene kan tene som eit døme på kor dagsaktuelt dette er, sidan det er første gong Noreg har offentleggjort ein klar attribusjon av slike operasjonar.Attribusjon av cyberoperasjonar reiser fleire spørsmål. På dette webinaret vil Madeline Carr gi ei oversikt over kvifôr attribusjon er så vanskeleg, utfordringane ved å ikkje kunne attribuere cyberoperasjonar - og ulike alternativ for korleis ein kan handtere denne utfordringa.Moderator er Karsten Friis, leiar for NUPIs forskingsgruppe for sikkerheit og forsvar.Vil du vete meir om NUPI seie forsking på cybersikkerheit? Sjå NUPIs forskingssenter på cybertryggleik.
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Intergovernmental checkmate on cyber? Processes on cyberspace in the United Nations
Det digitale rom er eit stadig meir omdiskutert felt på den internasjonale agendaen. Til tross for at det har pågått prosessar i FN på tematikken siden 1998 er framleis mykje knytt til grunnprinsipp i det digitale rom uklart. Attribueringa av dei antatte russiske cyberoperasjonene mot Stortinget tidligare denne månaden aktualiserer og mogleggjer for Noreg å løfte denne tematikken i FN. Om det skulle være aktuelt, kan Noreg følge i fotspora til Estland som sitt i Sikkerhetsrådet 2020-2021. Policy briefen diskuterer forhandlingane i FNs ekspertgrupper (GGE)på det digitale rom i 2015 og 2017 - og trekk det opp mot dagens situasjon.
Offensive cyberoperasjoner: Den nye normalen?
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The Politics of Stability: Cement and Change in Cyber Affairs
In November 2018, the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace, inaugurated one year earlier ‘to develop proposals for norms and policies to enhance international security and stability and guide responsible state and non-state behavior in cyberspace’, launched six norms pointing ‘the way to new opportunities for increasing the stability of cyberspace’. However, the Commission has not examined or explained the very concept it was established to explore. Quite the contrary, the Commission argues that its proposed norms will be used to define what cyber stability actually is. Focusing on the interrelationship between international peace and stability, and ways of achieving both in the context of ICTs, the authors will offer a model of stability of cyberspace. They begin by examining the concepts of ‘stability’ and ‘strategic stability’ as understood with regard to international security. This conceptual analysis is followed by a presentation of the political claims of stability expressed in national and international cyber-and information-security discourses. Drawing on the conceptual approaches and the political claims, the report then model the stability of cyberspace in three interlinked and reinforcing dimensions: 1) equal and inclusive international relations; 2) prevention of war: the minimal peace, with emphasis on averting a devastating nuclear war between the superpowers; and 3) the functionality of global and national technical systems and services. After discussing how international law, preventive diplomacy, confidence-building measures, and norms of responsible state behaviour can support cyberspace stability, this report concludes with recommendations for action aimed at helping to create and maintain a stable - resilient and adaptive - cyberspace.
Conflict in Cyber Space: Theoretical, strategic and legal perspectives
Adopting a multidisciplinary perspective, this book explores the key challenges associated with the proliferation of cyber capabilities. Over the past two decades, a new man-made domain of conflict has materialized. Alongside armed conflict in the domains of land, sea, air, and space, hostilities between different types of political actors are now taking place in cyberspace. This volume addresses the challenges posed by cyberspace hostility from theoretical, political, strategic and legal perspectives. In doing so, and in contrast to current literature, cyber-security is analysed through a multidimensional lens, as opposed to being treated solely as a military or criminal issues, for example. The individual chapters map out the different scholarly and political positions associated with various key aspects of cyber conflict and seek to answer the following questions: do existing theories provide sufficient answers to the current challenges posed by conflict in cyberspace, and, if not, could alternative approaches be developed?; how do states and non-state actors make use of cyber-weapons when pursuing strategic and political aims?; and, how does the advent of conflict in cyberspace challenge our established legal framework? By asking important strategic questions on the theoretical, strategic, ethical and legal implications and challenges of the proliferation of cyber warfare capabilities, the book seeks to stimulate research into an area that has hitherto been neglected. This book will be of much interest to students of cyber-conflict and cyber-warfare, war and conflict studies, international relations, and security studies.
How to govern cyber security? The limits of the multi-stakeholder approach and the need to rethink public-private cooperation
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