Protecting Civilians While Fighting a War in Somalia – Drawing Lessons from Afghanistan
Contextualizing peacebuilding activities to local circumstances – Liberian case-study
Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams (OMLT): The Norwegian Army and their Afghan partners
The EU's performance with and within NATO: assessing objectives, outcomes and organisational practices
The chapter analyses the EU’s performance as a security actor in the context of NATO, both in institutional cooperation with NATO, and when acting as a bloc of member states within NATO. Departing from a definition of “performance” as the ability to achieve pre-set objectives (effectiveness) in an efficient, relevant and viable manner, we observe that the EU’s performance in the context of NATO remains limited. This could be seen as a reflection of underlying political divergences between the two organisations, hampering systematic and formalised intra-institutional cooperation, as well as effective cooperation between the EU member states in NATO. More importantly, it has resulted in the emergence of informal and ad hoc EU practices in the context of EU-NATO cooperation as well as parallel EU and NATO practices