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Vitenskapelig artikkel

Together all the way? Abeyance and co-optation of Sunni networks in Lebanon

This article assesses how social movement continuity may vary in non-democratic and repressive contexts. Using a single case study of Islamist networks in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli over three decades, I ask: Under what conditions is social movement continuity possible, and in what form? Former studies have three levels of abeyance - activist network and personnel; movement goals and repertoires; and collective identities and symbols - are instructive. Network survival and abeyance structures can facilitate rapid mass protests in case of a facilitating external conjuncture. This analysis relies on data collected during fieldwork conducted over a decade in Tripoli, triangulated with secondary literature and primary sources in Arabic. I find that four individual-level continuity pathways are available in authoritarian contexts: continuation of activism; disengagement; co-optation; and arena shifts. These pathways should not be seen as final and stable outcomes but as fluctuating and contingent processes, or pathways. Due to the ambiguity of informal networks, co-opted movements may easily turn against the authorities once again. Moreover, local legacies of protests may be used as resources by new protest leaders.

  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika
  • Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika

China and Multilateral Development Banks: Positions, Motivations, Ambitions

The evolving relationships between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the major multilateral development banks (MDBs) reflect China’s evolution as a prospering developing country and a major power. Why has China been nurturing strong interests towards MDBs? This report focuses on changing positions, motivations, and ambitions concerning China and multilateral development banking.

  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Handel
  • Asia
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner
  • Internasjonal økonomi
  • Handel
  • Asia
  • Internasjonale organisasjoner

Concluding remarks. The future of intelligence oversight

This book examines how key developments in international relations in recent years have affected intelligence agencies and their oversight. Since the turn of the millennium, intelligence agencies have been operating in a tense and rapidly changing security environment. This book addresses the impact of three factors on intelligence oversight: the growth of more complex terror threats, such as those caused by the rise of Islamic State; the colder East-West climate following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea; and new challenges relating to the large-scale intelligence collection and intrusive surveillance practices revealed by Edward Snowden. This volume evaluates the impact these factors have had on security and intelligence services in a range of countries, together with the challenges that they present for intelligence oversight bodies to adapt in response. With chapters surveying developments in Norway, Romania, the UK, Belgium, France, the USA, Canada and Germany, the coverage is varied, wide and up-to-date. This book will be of much interest to students of intelligence studies, security studies and International Relations.


Contemporary and future challenges to effective intelligence oversight

This book examines how key developments in international relations in recent years have affected intelligence agencies and their oversight. Since the turn of the millennium, intelligence agencies have been operating in a tense and rapidly changing security environment. This book addresses the impact of three factors on intelligence oversight: the growth of more complex terror threats, such as those caused by the rise of Islamic State; the colder East-West climate following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea; and new challenges relating to the large-scale intelligence collection and intrusive surveillance practices revealed by Edward Snowden. This volume evaluates the impact these factors have had on security and intelligence services in a range of countries, together with the challenges that they present for intelligence oversight bodies to adapt in response. With chapters surveying developments in Norway, Romania, the UK, Belgium, France, the USA, Canada and Germany, the coverage is varied, wide and up-to-date. This book will be of much interest to students of intelligence studies, security studies and International Relations.


Intelligence and oversight at the outset of the twenty-first century

This book examines how key developments in international relations in recent years have affected intelligence agencies and their oversight. Since the turn of the millennium, intelligence agencies have been operating in a tense and rapidly changing security environment. This book addresses the impact of three factors on intelligence oversight: the growth of more complex terror threats, such as those caused by the rise of Islamic State; the colder East-West climate following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea; and new challenges relating to the large-scale intelligence collection and intrusive surveillance practices revealed by Edward Snowden. This volume evaluates the impact these factors have had on security and intelligence services in a range of countries, together with the challenges that they present for intelligence oversight bodies to adapt in response. With chapters surveying developments in Norway, Romania, the UK, Belgium, France, the USA, Canada and Germany, the coverage is varied, wide and up-to-date. This book will be of much interest to students of intelligence studies, security studies and International Relations.

  • Etterretning
  • Etterretning

Political values in Norway’s relations with China: Standing ground or giving in?

The six-year freeze in bilateral political relations following the award of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize makes Norway an interesting case study of political values in relations with China. The big picture, however, is that Norway still fits into the pattern of many other European countries. While political values feature prominently in Norway’s general foreign policy, explicit government level criticism of China is rare, and the avenues for official discussions on values-laden issues are largely limited to closed settings.

  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Asia
  • Diplomati
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Europa
  • Asia

The Power of the Draft: A Century of Changing Legitimacy of Norway’s Armed Forces

  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Utenrikspolitikk

Identitet og politikk: En utredning om kollektive selvbilder i politikken

Denne rapporten går igjennom og diskuterer sentrale bidrag i dagens studier og teorier rundt kollektive selvbilder og identiteter. Det argumenteres for et perspektiv som bygger pa Benedict Andersons og Fredrik Barths vektlegging av de subjektive aspektene ved en felles identitet. Identiteter er dessuten i sin natur politiske, ettersom det alltid innebærer å trekke grenser mot ulike Andre. Dette gjelder også nasjonal identitet, der blant annet utenrikspolitikken bidrar til dette. Videre diskuteres Norges historiske og samtidige Selv- og Andre-bilder. Det påpekes at man i dag, blant annet grunnet intemasjonaliseringen og den økte kommunikasjonen, ser tegn til at stadig flere identitetskategorier er løsrevet fra en territoriell base. Vi opplever med andre ord ikke bare statsforvitring, men ogsa nasjonsforvitring. Samtidig blir stadig flere politiske felt inkorporert i et intemasjonalt nettverk som gjør anerkjennelse av politikken viktig. En fremtidig utenrikspolitikk og “norgesprofilering” bør derfor etter all sannsynlighet matte ta større hensyn til denne internasjonaliseringen og kulturelle fragmenteringen.

  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Nasjonsbygging
  • Nasjonalisme
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Nasjonsbygging
  • Nasjonalisme
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Intet nytt under solen?

Artikkelen er et tilsvar til Øyvind Østeruds a angrep på det han kaller “den postmoderne fagkritikken” innen samfunnsfag og humaniora. Artikkelen tar hovedsakelig fatt på påstanden om at postmoderne innsikter ikke bringer noe nytt, men kritiserer også argumentet hans om at relativismen er det viktigste fellesstrekket hos postmodernistene.


Forsvar og identitet: de norske friskusverdiene

Dette kapitlet diskuterer forholdet mellom norsk nasjonal identitet og norsk forsvarspolitikk. Det argumenteres for at forsvarets legitimitet etter 2. verdenskrig har hvilt på et sett uuttalte verdier som var sentrale i ettertidens tolkning av, og fortellinger om, krigen i Norge. Disse krigsmytenes styrke ligger i deres fremstilling av historien i avpolitiserte og «naturlige» former. Mytene fremhever et sett verdier som ikke kan relativiseres, og som regnes som evige i norsk kultur. De er dermed sentrale verdier i norsk identitet generelt. Derfor har de vært viktige i ettertidens tolkning og legitimering av motstandskampen under krigen, men også for oppbygningen av det moderne forsvaret i Norge. Teoretisk forsøker artikkelen å vise det konstruktivistiske poenget at alt sosialt er historisk betinget. Det finnes intet essensielt, universelt og evig gitt i det sosiale. Selv de mest inngrodde «sannheter» har en historie, og er i stadig endring selv om vi ikke merker det. Imidlertid er nettopp en tilsynelatende inngrodd «sannhet» et eksempel på hvordan makten fungerer i moderne samfunn; den skaper og begrenser politiske handlingsrom.

  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Utenrikspolitikk
  • Forsvar
  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Utenrikspolitikk
1051 - 1060 av 3459 oppføringer