“Sin mujeres por aquí”. Discursos de género en las Operaciones de Paz de Naciones Unidas = “There are no women here”. Gender Discourses i...
From ‘forces for good’ to ‘forces for status'?: Small state military status-seeking
In the field of security and defencece states seek and maintain status internationally and political support nationally by pursuing a competitive defence policy through defence procurement and military contributions to international peacekeeping and military operations. Status is here understood as issue-specific and relational, which means that which military ‘hardware’ gives status is contextual and may change over time. Whereas the literature has tended to focus on the status-seeking of great powers, this chapter focuses on small powers. Drawing on the case of Norway it asks: To what extent have troop contributions and procurement policy been sought converted into status? How has status-seeking or status-driven activity in this field been communicated to domestic and international audiences, and with what results? Is status within defence compatible with the ‘soft-power’ status that Norway holds in development aid and peace facilitation – or might it jeopardize the latter? The chapter shows how also small states use ‘hard’ capabilities and resources in status-seeking activities internationally and vis-à-vis central allies. Although a competitive defence policy is important for status-seeking and can enhance the status of small states that have resources, status trade-offs in other policy fields should also be expected.
Informasjonsbrosjyre om NUPIs virksomhet og forskningsområder. Forskningsområdene dekker hovedområdene Konflikt, sikkerhet og risiko, økonomi, vekst og utvikling, og diplomati og global styring.Nøkkeltall basert på årsmelding 2013.
Nytt har blitt utviklet i 2014. Websidene inneholder informasjon om NUPIs forskningstemaer, publikasjoner, forskere, prosjekter, arrangementer, mm.
Capable Companies or changing markets? Explaining the export performance of firms in the defence industry
Status, small states, and Significant Others: Re-reading Norway’s attraction to Britain in the twentieth century