Perceptions about the EU crisis response in Iraq – a summary of perception studies
How the EU is facing crises in its neighbourhood: Evidence from Libya and Ukraine
Best practices in EU crisis response and policy implementation
This report has two aims. First, to take stock of how the Europen External Action Sercvice (EEAS) and the Commission have institutionalized lessons-learned mechanism. Second, to discuss the extent to which these mechanisms and practices incorporate the EU’s ambitions for a ‘conflict-sensitive’ and ‘comprehensive’ crisis-response approach. In this sense, this report will serve as a point of departure for case-study research to be undertaken within the framework of Work Packages 5–7 of the EUNPACK project, on whether there is a gap between policy and practice with regard to institutional learning.
Hvor går nordisk samarbeid?
I en tid med geopolitiske omveltninger snakker Nordens regjeringer med fornyet kraft om nordisk samarbeid. Men stopper det med fine ord, eller følges visjonene opp av konkrete handlinger?