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BRI in Central Asia: Rail and Road Connectivity Projects

Skrevet av

Roman Vakulchuk
Seniorforsker, Leder for forskningsgruppen for klima og energi
Indra Øverland
Forsker I
Farkhod Aminjonov
Alina Abylkasymova
Bahtiyor Eshchanov
Daniyar Moldokanov



This data article shows that most of the rail and road projects in which the Chinese are involved in Central Asia are implemented within the territories of individual countries and thus are still poorly linked with each other. However, these internal transport routes are expected to eventually form the basis of a new cross-regional network within the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Smaller scale road construction and rehabilitation projects create linkages connecting China across Central Asia to South Asia, Turkey, Europe, and the Middle East.


  • Russland og Eurasia
  • Asia

Skrevet av

Roman Vakulchuk
Seniorforsker, Leder for forskningsgruppen for klima og energi
Indra Øverland
Forsker I
Farkhod Aminjonov
Alina Abylkasymova
Bahtiyor Eshchanov
Daniyar Moldokanov