Three EISA Conference Paper Presentations
Presentasjon av 3 verk:
1. Symmetry over Strategy: How Status Suckered the Superpowers at SALT;
2. Status Symbols in World Politics (Medforfattet med Pål Røren)
3. The Curse of Reflexivity: A Genealogy of ‘Turn-Talk’ in IR (and Beyond)
Deltatt i 3 paneler:
1. Expertise and Politics of Space and Time
2. The (Dis)functions of Status Symbols in World Politics
3. War and Status Symbols
1. Symmetry over Strategy: How Status Suckered the Superpowers at SALT;
2. Status Symbols in World Politics (Medforfattet med Pål Røren)
3. The Curse of Reflexivity: A Genealogy of ‘Turn-Talk’ in IR (and Beyond)
Deltatt i 3 paneler:
1. Expertise and Politics of Space and Time
2. The (Dis)functions of Status Symbols in World Politics
3. War and Status Symbols
- Language: Engelsk
- Place: Online
- Event type: Konferanse
- Event name: 14th Annual Pan-European Conference on International Relations: The Power Politics of Nature
Event date:
- URL 1:
- URL 3:
Skrevet av
Paul Beaumont